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EU-Förderung (5.987.875 €): Hybride gekoppelte Netze für thermisch-elektrisch integrierte Smart-Energy-Quartiere Hor01.10.2021 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Hybride gekoppelte Netze für thermisch-elektrisch integrierte Smart-Energy-Quartiere

HYPERGRYD aims at developing a set of replicable and scalable cost effective technical solutions to allow the integration of RES with different dispatchability and intrinsic variability inside Thermal Grids as well as their link with the Electrical Grids, including the development of innovative key components, in parallel with innovative and integrated ICT services formed by a scalable suite of tools for the proper handling of the increased complexity of the systems from building to Local Energy Community (LEC) levels and beyond, accelerate the sustainable transformation, planning and modernization of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) toward 4th and 5th generation. HYPERGRYD also aims at developing real time management of both electrical and thermal energy flows in the coupled energy network complex, including the synergies between them. Therefore, HYPERGRYD aims at three over-arching General Objectives: - To prove Smart Energy Networks as the future of Efficient Energy Management in DHC in synergy with the Electrical Grids in LEC/Smart Cities of the future, - To define the roadmap to design and planning of future DHC as well as the modernization of the existing ones in different climates and RES penetration levels toward 4th-5th generation, -To demonstrate HYPERGRYD RES-based Enabling Technologies, Smart Energy Grid Solutions empowered by new ICT tools and services as the key for this evolution. During the project, the HYPERGRYD?s solutions will be implemented across 4 Live-In-the-Labs cases in 3 representative climates provided by the consortium, with special consideration to their cost effectiveness and potential replicability to finally achieve these 3 main objectives. All these tasks will follow the proposed work program activities to ensure systematic and scientific performance measures, feedback and powerful exploitation.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
AIT Austrian Institute OF Technology GmbH 476.438 €
????????? ??????? ?? ??????? 247.813 €
Armengol & ROS Consultors i Associats SLP 494.063 €
Comet Global Innovation SL 292.188 €
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 336.563 €
ENCOORD GmbH 339.062 €
European Innovation Marketplace ASBL 201.875 €
??????? ?????? ???????????? ???? 294.688 €
IDP Ingenieria y Arquitectura Iberia SL 364.063 €
???????? ?????? ????????????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ? ??? ??? 220.313 €
Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan 484.063 €
Ochsner Warmepumpen GmbH 224.063 €
????? ??????????? ??????????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ?????? 122.813 €
R2M Solution Srl 346.313 €
Ranotor 400.938 €
Rina Consulting S.p.A. 293.313 €
Rina Tech UK Ltd. 0,00 €
Sonnenplatz Grosschonau GmbH 176.188 €


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