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EU-Förderung (7.940.098 €): Indische und europäische lokale Energiekommunen für erneuerbare Integration und Energiewende. Hor01.05.2019 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Indische und europäische lokale Energiekommunen für erneuerbare Integration und Energiewende.

An increasing role is foreseen in Europe for local energy communities (LECs) to speed up the grid integration of RES. To-day, the enabling role of DSOs in support of LECs is hampered by a lack of flexibility when planning cost-efficient LEC connections to their network at MV level, and by a lack of digitalization of the LV networks to make LEC’s smart prosumers benefit economically when serving the DSO flexibility needs. Four European DSOs (E.ON, ENEDIS, E.DIS, Güssing Stadtwerke) and an Indian DSO (TATA) have joined with IT-based, innovative product and solution providers, and technology and research centers, to demonstrate the combined roles of innovative functionalities serving the MV and LV networks, when implemented in 5 different regulatory regimes (Austria, France, Hungary, Germany, India- state of Delhi-). For MV networks, a mobile storage concept at substation level is demonstrated in Hungary, Germany and Austria. It enables DSOs to reduce investment uncertainties, avoid hindering future renewables connection and foster the local use of flexibility with participating non-regulated market solutions (Demand Side Response-DR-). For LV networks, 3 functional use cases served by ATOS and Schneider are tested simultaneously in Austria and India with prosumer support: i) Forecasting/scheduling of Distributed Energy Resources for the optimized energy management of Local Energy Systems, ii) Customized, human-centric prosumer participation in explicit DR programs using context-aware flexibility profiles, iii) Grid-forming/islanding capabilities in Local Energy Communities to optimize their energy system resilience. The joint work of DSOS aims at accelerating scaling up and replication tested by HEDNO (Greece) and E.ON (Sweden). Dissemination towards players of the energy value chain recommends business models, possible regulatory adjustments and deployment roadmaps of the most promising use cases, in support of the implementation of the Clean Energy Package.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Atos IT Solutions AND Services Iberia SL 0,00 €
Atos Spain SA 374.063 €
????????????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ????????? ?? 168.088 €
E ON Energidistribution AB 0,00 €
E.DIS NETZ GmbH 620.913 €
E.ON DEL-Dunantuli Aramhalozati Zrt. 0,00 €
???? ??????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ?? 1.552.239 €
???? ?????????? ???????????? ???? 0,00 €
Enedis 2.125.568 €
??????? ??????? ???? 86.978 €
???????????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ??????? ??????? ???? 241.550 €
Fundacion Circe Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos 419.650 €
Geco Global ApS 167.520 €
????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ??? ???? ???????????? 207.025 €
Merit Consulting House 16.734,24 €
Merit Consulting House - Olokriromenes Symvouleftikes Ipiresies Epixeiriseon Idiotiki Kefalaiouxiki Etaireia 193.966 €
Odit-E 191.618 €
Schneider Electric Espana SA 0,00 €
Schneider Electric France SAS 0,00 €
Schneider Electric Industries SAS 602.000 €
Smart Innovation Norway AS 67.050 €
Universidad Pontificia Comillas 379.950 €
Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland Forschungs- UND Innovations GmbH 152.282 €


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