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EU-Förderung (2.929.050 €): bahnbrechendett tandeM von transPaRent dyE SenSitIsed und peroVskite solar cElls Hor01.01.2019 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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bahnbrechendett tandeM von transPaRent dyE SenSitIsed und peroVskite solar cElls

IMPRESSIVE’s main objective is to develop transparent photovoltaic (PV) cells converting selectively UV and NIR part of the light while excluding the visible range to reach colourless and fully transparent devices. To reach this ground-breaking objective, the approach is based on hybrid tandem UV-perovskite solar cell and NIR-dye-sensitized solar cell. This innovative technology, based on a under-filing patent and recent breakthrough in perovskite absorbers, is expected to meet the objectives of full transparency and 14% Power Conversion Efficiency with a lifetime over 25 years. The ability to achieve these objectives is ensured by the world leading expertise of the project partners: CNRS and UNITO developed materials for the first transparent DSSC, EPFL is leading the perovskite solar cell revolution, UTV realised the first PSC module and developed a pilot line production for Building Integrated DSSC, HG is the first company selling DSSC modules for BIPV, SMART has a deep experience in Life Cycle Assessment for photovoltaics, and EQY has huge experience in dissemination and exploitation of EU projects’ results for strong market uptake. During the 3 years of the project, the consortium will develop the UV-PSC (WP2) and NIR-DSSC (WP3) before integrating them into a transparent tandem cell (WP4). The stability will be checked (WP5) before the upscaling of all components (WP6), leading to the creation of a 200 x 300 mm transparent PV module. The LCA of the products will be done along with a cost study and a roadmap for years following the project (WP7). To ensure a strong market uptake and disseminate the outstanding expected results, specific efforts will be made on communication and dissemination (WP8). During the whole project, IPR will be carefully managed and the business strategy will be elaborated, in relation with InnoEnergy (WP1) and efficient management of the project will be implemented by the coordinator CNRS (WP9).

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Cnrs 631.975 €
DE Wild-Scholten Mariska 79.281 €
Euroquality SAS 160.625 €
G Lyte 471.055 €
H GLASS SA 16.692,04 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Roma TOR Vergata 489.207 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Torino 467.484 €
Universite de Picardie Jules Verne 0,00 €


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