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EU-Förderung (4.461.509 €): Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations Hor31.10.2017 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations

The main goal of Co-VAL is to discover, analyse, and provide policy recommendations for transformative strategies that integrate the co-creation of value in public administrations. The project aims to accomplish these objectives by conducting research on the paradigm shift from the traditional top-down model to demand and bottom-up driven models when citizens, civil servants, private, and third sector organizations voluntarily participate in the development of transformative innovations addressing changing needs and social problems. Co-VAL will push the boundaries of both research and practice by providing: i) a comprehensive and holistic theoretical framework for understanding value co-creation in public services from a service-dominant logic and a service innovation multiagent framework, ii) measurement and monitoring for transformations in the public sector by using both existing data and new metrics (large-scale survey), iii) investigation on 4 public-service-related co-creation areas of public sector transformation: digital transformation (including open platforms, big data, and digital service delivery), service design (including service blue-printing), government living labs, and innovative structural relationships (public-private innovation networks and social innovation), and iv) generation of sustainable impacts in public administration policy and practice by delivering actionable policy recommendations that build on the research findings, by tracking and monitoring how governments’ pilot projects and actions, and by facilitating peer to peer knowledge exchange to facilitate implementation. Co-VAL is a consortium of 13 teams from 11 EU countries formed by leading experts in public administration, co-creation and open governance, digital economy and service innovation. The consortium is organised to co-work with stakeholders representing central, regional and local administrations.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
ATC International 0,00 €
Athens Technology Center Anonymi Viomichaniki Emporiki Kai Techniki Etaireia Efarmogon Ypsilis Technologias 420.000 €
????????? ???????? ??????? 177.500 €
????????? ? ????????? 448.125 €
Intellera Consulting S.p.A. 32.194 €
?????????????????????? ???????? ?????? 81.556 €
Roskilde Universitet 325.571 €
THE Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness ASBL 876.000 €
The University of Edinburgh 313.125 €
Universidad de Alcala 467.500 €
Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 219.500 €
Universite de Lille 455.625 €
Universiteit Maastricht 305.313 €


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