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EU-Förderung (599.981 €): E-Infrastruktur Reflexionsgruppe Unterstützungsprogramm 6 Hor16.11.2018 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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E-Infrastruktur Reflexionsgruppe Unterstützungsprogramm 6

e-IRGSP6 will provide the core services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in its activities producing high-level policy recommendations towards the implementation of EOSC, EDI and the e-Infrastructure Commons overall. The activities include the operation of the secretariat, i.e. organisation of e-IRG and outreach events and provision of secretarial support to e-IRG, its Chair and Executive Board. The provision of editorial support during the preparation of policy documents, as well as the support to e-IRG working groups and task forces are also vital services needed by e-IRG. The communication and lie-IRGSP6 will provide the core services to the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The project will support e-IRG in its activities producing high-level policy recommendations towards the implementation of EOSC, EDI and the e-Infrastructure Commons overall. The activities include the operation of the secretariat, i.e. organisation of e-IRG and outreach events and provision of secretarial support to e-IRG, its Chair and Executive Board. The provision of editorial support during the preparation of policy documents, as well as the support to e-IRG working groups and task forces are also vital services needed by e-IRG. The communication and liaison activities include the dissemination of the outputs of e-IRG, liaison with its various stakeholders, in particular ESFRI, the operation of the external and internal e-IRG web presence and maintenance of the social media outlets. e-IRGSP6 will also assist the EC, the Members States and Associated Countries with communication activities around EOSC and EDI/EuroHPC. Through these supporting activities by e-IRGSP6 and in its capacities e-IRG will contribute to the implementation of EOSC and promote the cultural change towards Open Science principles. The consortium is very experienced and well-connected in the field through long-term involvement in previous e-IRG support projects.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
?????? ??????? ???? 51.624 €
Innov-Acts Ltd. 130.781 €
???????? ??????????????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????? 82.750 €
??????????? ??????????? ???? ???????????????? ????????? 86.056 €


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