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EU-Förderung (18,1 Mio. €): Energieeffizienter Weg für den Stadtumbau: Eine positive Zukunft ermöglichen Hor01.12.2018 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Energieeffizienter Weg für den Stadtumbau: Eine positive Zukunft ermöglichen

MAKING-CITY is a large-scale demonstration project aiming at the development of new integrated strategies to address the urban energy system transformation towards low carbon cities, with the positive energy district (PED) approach as the core of the urban energy transition pathway. The project will be intensively focused on achieving evidences about the actual potential of the PED concept, as foundation of a high efficient and sustainable route to progress beyond the current urban transformation roadmaps. Although in principle a PED approach seems a solid and ambitious strategy, this should be complemented with long term urban planning to ensure upscaling and fostering higher impacts. Currently city energy plans are starting to be designed with a 2030 horizon, according to the standard city commitments, as for instance those reflected in the SECAPs and other more specific city plans. Project will address methodologies to support cities in their long term urban planning towards an adequate energy transition, paving the way of the planning, implementation and up-scaling process. Cities of Groningen (Netherlands) and Oulu (Finland) will act as lighthouses. These cities are currently working intensively in ambitious transformation planning whose approaches fit perfectly with the project objectives. Both have committed to deploy a demonstration of at least one positive energy district. León (Spain), Bassano del Grappa (Italy), Kadiköy (Turkey), Poprad (Slovakia), Vidin (Bulgaria) and Lublin (Poland) will be the follower cities. All of them have assumed a huge commitment to develop a solid execution project of Positive Energy District and foster high level of replication of the solutions demonstrated in Groningen and Oulu.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
???? ????????? ???? 0,00 €
CAP Digital 445.000 €
??? ????????? ???? 279.762 €
??????? ?????? ????????? 325.375 €
Comune DI Bassano Del Grappa 356.250 €
???????????? ?????????? ????????? ????? ???? 351.659 €
?? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ??????? 357.000 €
Fundacion Cartif 1.099.500 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 520.513 €
Gemeente Groningen 2.777.090 €
Gmina Lublin 309.663 €
Green Building Council-Espana Consejo para La Edificacion Sostenible-Espana 567.500 €
Instituto Leones de Renovacion Urbana y Vivienda SA 0,00 €
??????? ?????????? 168.750 €
?????? ???? 0,00 €
LGI Sustainable Innovation 170.625 €
???? ???? ??????? ? ???????????? ?? ???? 287.500 €
Lubelskie Przedsiebiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej SA 0,00 €
????? ?????? 0,00 €
Mesto Trencin 150.000 €
Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 917.219 €
OULUN ENERGIA Oy 752.791 €
OULUN KAUPUNKI 1.007.313 €
OULUN SIVAKKA Oy 336.963 €
???????? ????? 106.250 €
R2M Solution 434.875 €
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 515.885 €
????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ?????????? 152.500 €
????????? ??????????????? ????????? 549.438 €
????????? ??? ?????? ????????? 510.688 €
????????? ???????? 917.899 €
??????????? ????????? ???? 103.208 €
Unismart - Fondazione Universita Degli Studi DI Padova 287.875 €
???????? ????????????? ???? 684.500 €
?????????? ???? 0,00 €
?????? ???? 0,00 €
?????? ??????? ???? 0,00 €
??? ???????? ?? 308.952 €


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