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EU-Förderung (8.999.996 €): Stärkung der Tierproduktion und -gesundheit durch die Immunantwort Hor01.03.2015 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Stärkung der Tierproduktion und -gesundheit durch die Immunantwort

SAPHIR aims to develop vaccine strategies effective against endemic pathogens responsible for high economic losses in livestock in order to strengthen the profitability of food animal systems, improve animal welfare and reduce xenobiotic usage in farming with a One Health perspective. SAPHIR will bring novel vaccine strategies to the market i) at short term, with several promising vaccines brought to demonstration (RTL6), ii) at long term, with cutting edge strategies brought at proof of concept (RTL3) and iii) in line with socio-economic requirements. SAPHIR has selected two representative pathogens of pigs (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), chickens (Eimeria and Clostridium perfringens) and cattle (Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Mycoplasma bovis) to develop generic vaccine approaches applicable to other pathogens. SAPHIR will issue i) knowledge of immune mechanisms of protection, ii) affordable, safe and multivalent vaccines with DIVA properties, iii) efficient adjuvants targeting dendritic cells, optimal formulations, new mucosal and skin delivery systems, a new generation of DNA vectors and viral replicon platforms for fostering an earlier and longer duration of immunity including the perinatal period, and iv) basal biomarkers of individual immuno-competence for future breeding strategies. The SAPHIR dissemination and training programme includes creation of an integrated health management website, launch of a Global Alliance for Veterinary Vaccines and organization of workshops directed at food animal system stakeholders. This will ensure optimal research translation of SAPHIR outputs to market and field applications. SAPHIR brings together interdisciplinary expertise from fourteen academic institutes including a Chinese partner, five SMEs and two pharmaceutical companies.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Cardiff University 319.744 €
???????????????? ??????????? ??? ?????? 1.200,00 €
???????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? 150.894 €
Gold Standard Diagnostics Madrid 445.194 €
Inrae Transfert SAS 365.176 €
Institut National de Recherche Pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement 2.191.579 €
Parco Tecnologico Padano Srl 278.869 €
???????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????????? ???????? 0,00 €
Sporegen Ltd. 224.994 €
Stichting Wageningen Research 772.093 €
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet 323.789 €
?????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? 92.731 €
The Pirbright Institute LBG 289.068 €
The Royal Veterinary College 458.846 €
The University of Edinburgh 802.187 €
The University of Liverpool 290.855 €
Universiteit Gent 1.234.979 €
????????? ?? 334.369 €
Virbac SA 0,00 €
?????? ??????????????? ???? 391.994 €


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