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EU-Förderung (2.851.448 €): Verbesserung der Schnittstellen zwischen Hochschule, Industrie und Gesellschaft zur Steigerung der Durchsatzkapazität der europäischen Innovationsakteure Hor01.03.2016 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"


Verbesserung der Schnittstellen zwischen Hochschule, Industrie und Gesellschaft zur Steigerung der Durchsatzkapazität der europäischen Innovationsakteure

Science2Society creates, pilots and shares good practices, guidelines and training materials that improve awareness and practical performance in seven concrete university-industry-society interfacing schemes especially affected by Science 2.0 and open innovation. It covers a very wide range of interfacing / co-creation approaches (and the synergy between them) and advances far beyond the traditional role of the interface as a facilitator of knowledge transfer from university to business. Sound methodological frameworks will be combined with 'real life' experience from practitioners in science and industry, making the transition from promising blueprints to actual change within some 3000 actors in Europe by 2020. Science2Society does not only collect knowledge and models; it deeply and innovatively analyses how these can be improved (using advanced methods pioneered in business practice such as process re-engineering, design thinking and change management) and runs substantial experiments to validate the created optimized interfacing schemes. A complete package of dissemination activities will ensure that these results measurably impact the performance of European universities (and other stakeholders) in this area. Our project brings together both practitioners as well as method and system experts; it brings together universities, industries, research & technology organizations and SMEs. The project is endorsed by large (EU-level) networks of peers and ecosystem partners, allowing the project to actually engage in direct dialogue during project execution with hundreds of actors far beyond the consortium itself. Moreover, by building and establishing a Community of Practice type Learning and Implementation Alliance, we will ensure that a self-sustained cross-sector community on the subject of Science 2.0-enabled innovation ecosystems (and the key role of universities interfacing with their ecosystem partners) will be in place and operational by the end of our project.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
????? ????????????????? ?? 164.688 €
Atos Spain SA 158.750 €
BAX Innovation Consulting SL 133.078 €
CA Technologies Development Spain SA 110.899 €
Centro Ricerche Fiat Scpa 138.970 €
EY Cognistreamer 81.582 €
Fundacio Centre D'Innovacio i Tecnologia de La UPC 178.770 €
I2M Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH 189.023 €
IFM Education and Consultancy Services 185.403 €
Innovawin 2006 SL 89.958 €
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 234.366 €
Siemens Industry Software N.V. 168.111 €
Spirit Design - Innovation AND Brand GmbH 140.606 €
THE Joint Institute for Innovation Policy Aisbl 225.941 €
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH 169.623 €


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