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EU-Förderung (1.999.933 €): Attraktive, akzeptable und erschwingliche tiefen Renovierung durch einen verbraucherorientierten und leistungsorientierten Ansatz Hor28.02.2018 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Attraktive, akzeptable und erschwingliche tiefen Renovierung durch einen verbraucherorientierten und leistungsorientierten Ansatz

TripleA-reno will focus on following market barriers for deep renovation: 1The renovation market is top-down and supply-driven, with a mismatch between the offered products and packages and the end-users’ requirements 2 There is no view on the total performances in practice (energy, indoor environmental quality, health and well-being), as well as a solid quality control of the renovation process 3 After the renovation process there is a lack of data on the real building performance in practice, on energy, IEQ and health. Many European projects have addressed these barriers. The overall aim is to make acceptation and decision making on deep and nZE renovation attractive for consumers and end-users. This by clear, unambiguous and meaningful information and communication on real, proven performances on energy, Indoor Environmental Quality and personal health in practice, strengthened by consumer centred business models. TripleA-reno will achieve this aim by developing an open end-users centred gamified platform for validation and community building, The objectives are: 1. To foster new consumer and end-user centred business models, using evidence based performances that facilitate decision-making. 2. Improving performances of deep renovation by enhanced quality control, supported by targeted CPD and training, 3. Providing consumers and end-users of deep renovation projects with attractive, understandable and personalized information of realised real performance. 4. To demonstrate the benefits and evidence based solutions in live demonstration cases. 5. To roll out the results on a wider European scale by the in Triple A-Reno involved European interest groups and umbrella associations

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita DI Bologna 127.625 €
??? ???? 0,00 €
???????? ????? ???? 55.000 €
??????? ?????????? ??????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ???? 88.469 €
Comite Europeen de Coordination de l'Habitat Social Aisbl 85.335 €
Conseil des Architectes d'Europe 188.125 €
??????? ?????????? ??????????? ? ??? 30.750 €
????????? ??? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???????????????? ?? ?????? ????? 111.562 €
????????? ??????????? ???????? ??? ?? ???? 39.500 €
????????? ???? 143.000 €
?????????? ???? 0,00 €
Huygen Installatie Adviseurs 282.540 €
???????????????????? ???????? ???????? ? ????????? 162.188 €
Instituto Valenciano de La Edificacion Fundacion 103.419 €
Monacelli Massimo 228.875 €
????????? ???? 169.190 €
????? ?????????????? ?? ?? ????????? ??????????? 94.981 €


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