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EU-Förderung (5.986.275 €): Open Innovation Digital Platform und Fablabs für collaborative Design und Produktion von personalisierter/individueller FMCG Hor14.10.2019 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Open Innovation Digital Platform und Fablabs für collaborative Design und Produktion von personalisierter/individueller FMCG

DIY4U aims to develop and promote the adoption of collaborative production engineering approaches in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. The concept is an extension of the format for paint customization at a DIY store where they can make any small quantity of any colour a customer requires. It focuses on particulate and liquid FMCG like detergents, cosmetics, food, etc. To limit the project’s scope, we will exemplify DIY4U with detergents and soaps as they are amongst the most complex FMGCs to formulate, represent 84.6 billion € market, and allow us to test DIY4U for both particulates and liquids. A key DIY4U differentiator vs. paint machines is the use of web-based portals to allow users to design their own products from home with a much broader range of performance attributes (than just colour) and then have these produced and delivered in a “designed for you” way. For example, DIY4U will enable a consumer to design and make a personal version of a washing powder with more stain power, or cosmetic (e.g. cream/foundation) that better matches an individual’s complexion. The lack of relevant digital infrastructure and efficient small-scale manufacturing facilities limits FMCG product personalisation/customisation. DIY4U will address the blockers of product customisation and small-scale manufacturing by developing an Open Innovation (OI) digital B2B/B2C platform and small-scale automated manufacturing machines (fablabs) for collaborative design and production of personalised/customized FMCG.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
CAP Digital 280.000 €
Centre for Process Innovation Ltd. LBG 1.176.170 €
Cody AS 370.125 €
Digital Catapult 301.321 €
Dynamic & Security Computations SL 143.281 €
Effective Decisions Srl 392.438 €
????????? ?????? ??????????? ????????????? ? ??? ?????????? ????????? 205.946 €
Iris Technology Solutions SL 383.250 €
Procter & Gamble Technical Centres Ltd. 350.593 €
Rdiup 163.100 €
?????? ???????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ?? ???? 146.050 €
Sintef AS 1.720.660 €
??? ??????????? ????? ???????? ??? 31.500 €


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