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EU-Förderung (999.620 €): Auf dem Weg zu einem lernenden Bausektor durch die Einführung einer groß angelegten und flexiblen Qualifizierungsmethode, die technische, gewerksübergreifende und … Hor27.04.2017 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"


Auf dem Weg zu einem lernenden Bausektor durch die Einführung einer groß angelegten und flexiblen Qualifizierungsmethode, die technische, gewerksübergreifende und BIM-bezogene Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen integriert

NZEB construction needs an enhanced systematic approach for the quality control of the entire process to reduce the gap between designed and actual performances of buildings. This requires a fully qualified and equipped workforce, capable to implement, execute and perform all the necessary labor actions with understanding of the responsibility of their own profession and actions, as well as the relation with the other involved professions and actions. BIMplement offers the trainers and the learners a range of tools that fit the objective of developing a fully qualified and equipped workforce, capable to implement, execute and perform all the necessary labour actions. Main aim is to achieve an improved quality for NZEB construction and renovation by setting up a large scale, training, CPD and qualification schemes, addressing the entire process phases in a cross-crafts and cross level multidisciplinary approach, strengthened with hands-on and BIM-enhanced workplace learning tools by following objectives: 1. To improve the overall quality of renovations and new constructions, based on a BIM-enabled workplace learning, addressing the entire process phases in a cross-crafts multidisciplinary approach 2. To create a new generation of professionals and craftsmen, equipped and enabled by BIM skills, to enhance the overall quality of construction and renovation across the entire process 3. To foster interactions between different trades and professions enabled by a flexible qualification, certification and accreditation methodology for implementing BIM as a workplace learning environment 4. To sustain the qualification and training schemes a replication and exploitation strategy will be developed and validated At the end of the 2 years project BIMplement has developed a transferable method based on the experience of previous BUS and H2020 Construction Skills projects and on experimentations in territories with craftsmen and small enterprises.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Alliance Nat Villes Innovation Emploi Association 203.206 €
Astus-Construction 143.912 €
Conseil des Architectes d'Europe 57.136 €
Huygen Installatie Adviseurs 149.886 €
Instituto Valenciano de La Edificacion Fundacion 121.531 €
Lietuvos Statybininku Asociacija 26.336 €
Mostostal Warszawa SA 44.011 €
?????????? ????????? ??????? ??????? 85.736 €
???????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ? ????????? 0,00 €
????????? ???? 167.866 €
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