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EU-Förderung (2.999.313 €): eXtended Reality für alle Hor01.12.2018 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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eXtended Reality für alle

Interactive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR are set to transform the ways in which people communicate, interact and share information. The XR industry is now at a stage where after years of research and development, it has reached a point where technology becomes accessible and allows market introduction. However, the European XR scene is fragmented and there is a risk that big US companies dominate the XR market (what they are already doing B2C). XR4ALL is set to risk through 6 objectives that correspond to the 6 work packages. Together, they will create a thriving European XR community: 1) unite the XR community through the XR Forum (community and supportive portal for knowledge exchange and visibility); 2) provide access to XR solutions on the XR Platform; 3) increase XR innovation through funding of sub-projects, to be integrated in the XR Platform; 4) monitor trends, visions and developments to create a SRIA; 5) boost the take-up of XR through a technology transfer strategy and VC involvement; and 6) carry out efficient dissemination activities to pave the way towards sustainability. All activities are carried out by a consortium of 5 partners with complementary expertise: Coordinator Fraunhofer HHI (XR research), EUN (cascading funding management, access to market and industry users), I3D (10 years of XR community building and events organisation), BCOM (XR platform building and integration) and LucidWeb (XR communication and community building with a strong focus on women in XR).

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
B-COM 298.125 €
Image&3D Europe 355.313 €
Lucidweb 236.250 €
Tech Tour Europe SA 1.856.625 €
???? ???? ?????? ???? 0,00 €


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