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EU-Förderung (1.997.325 €): Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Modelle nachhaltiger Energiekooperation und Dienstleistungen in Industrieparks Hor22.02.2018 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"


Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Modelle nachhaltiger Energiekooperation und Dienstleistungen in Industrieparks

S-PARCS: Envisioning and Testing New Models of Sustainable Energy Cooperation and Services in Industrial Parks S-PARCS presents a sound concept for reducing energy costs and energy consumption in industrial parks, while, at the same time, increasing renewable on-site energy production. The pre-assessment of the seven “Lighthouse Parks” from Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Austria, which participate in the study, has shown a high potential for joint energy actions, many of which are transferrable to the community of S-PARCS Followers in the UK, Sweden, Turkey, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Austria and Norway. 5 research organisations, 1 engineering company and 1 industrial association will make their knowledge on suitable technologies, novel business models and cooperative action among companies available to the parks to help them develop an “energy cooperation plan” and the necessary skills to achieve a long-lasting sustainability impact. At the end of the project, all Lighthouse parks will be equipped with a free ICT tool supporting the decision-making processes on joint investments, at least 1 full feasibility study for the most promising cooperative project, as well as a strategy for longer-term actions. 65 of the 278 located in the “Lighthouse Parks” are expected to benefit directly from reduced energy costs derived from energy efficiency measures, such as the use of waste heat, joint energy purchases and a wide range of viable small-scale renewable projects. Improvements in the parks in terms of energy efficiency are likely to be superior to 10%. The project’s impact, however, extends to the entire Follower Community, thanks to the identification of at least 20 viable cooperative energy solutions, which are to be widely disseminated. The identification of relevant financial, legal and organizational barriers to joint energy action in the parks – and ways of overcoming them - will make a valuable contribution to policy-making on regional, national and European level.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
????? ? ??????? ?? ??????????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?? 41.250 €
?????????? ?? ?????????? ??? ???? ????? ? ??????? 43.975 €
??????? ????????? ????????????? ?? 82.975 €
Busturialdeko Industrialdea SA 0,00 €
Consorzio Cuoio Depur S.p.A. 66.250 €
??????????????? ?? ??? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ???? ?????? 410.375 €
Ennshafen OO GmbH 76.250 €
Euroquality SAS 202.500 €
Fundacion Circe Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energeticos 206.000 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 206.625 €
????? ??? ???????????? 106.375 €
LAT Nitrogen Linz GmbH 58.750 €
Rina Consulting S.p.A. 243.750 €
?????? ????????? ?? ????? ???????????? ? ?? ??????????????? ? ???? 252.250 €


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