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EU-Förderung (3.316.013 €): Virales Hämorrhagisches Fieber: Moderne Ansätze zur Entwicklung der schnellen Diagnostik am Krankenbett Hor01.01.2019 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Virales Hämorrhagisches Fieber: Moderne Ansätze zur Entwicklung der schnellen Diagnostik am Krankenbett

VHFMoDRAD will develop and deliver rapid and point-of-care singel/multiplex diagnostic tool(s) that will significantly increase our capacity to handle outbreaks with Filoviruses and other viral hemorrhagic fever diseases in Africa. The overall aim of VHFMoDRAD is to carry on the outcome of the currently running EbolaMoDRAD project to the next level, which is behind of the scope of that project. The goals of VHFMoDRAD will be done via a multidisciplinary research consortium drawn from key European and African research organisations and also industry and SMEs, thus consolidating previous tools and knowledge. VHFMoDRAD will also put in place a strong capacity building programme in West Africa The project will disseminate widely all results as they become available, notably to public health bodies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), via a strong outreach programme. To achieve this overall aim an intensive work plan will be put in place, with the following specific objectives: - to develop rapid molecular and serological single/multiplex detection methods; - perform preclinical validation of diagnostic tools; - to validate the successful diagnosis tools under field conditions; - implement a strong capacity building programme in West Africa by a twining program; - to exploit results; - to disseminate the results to public health bodies, NGOs, outbreak management teams and local hospitals in West Africa.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Biotech Investissement 0,00 €
Cepheid Europe 0,00 €
????? ?????????? ???? 372.822 €
?????????? ?? ?????? 102.286 €
????????? ???? ??????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ????? 5.439,99 €
???????????????????? 380.506 €
Inserm Transfert SA 245.250 €
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale 550.326 €
Institut Pasteur DE Dakar 185.250 €
Institut de Recherche Pour le Developpement 0,00 €
???????? ????????? ??? ?? ???????? ????????? ??????? ???????????????????? ?? ???????? ? ???? ? ????????? ??????????? 55.763 €
Kobenhavns Universitet 151.695 €
RD-Biotech 204.550 €
????? ?????????? ???????????? 25.000 €
??? ?????????? ?? ???????? 143.324 €
Universite d'AIX Marseille 702.219 €


Diese Bekanntmachung wurde von Englisch nach Deutsch übersetzt. Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider.

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