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EU-Förderung (5.350.488 €): CREATing cOmmunity eneRgy Systems Hor07.08.2020 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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CREATing cOmmunity eneRgy Systems

CREATORS enables local initiators to create and operate advanced Community Energy Systems (CES) by supporting technical, financial and social processes. With the sector moving beyond inventor-lead pilots, local CES initiators lack the capacity for high-quality simulation, business modelling and automated operations that are required in communities with a range of vectors, 1000s of mixed members, and balancing/ trading that requires controls in milliseconds. Leading engineering firms Cordeel and COMSA work with specialists in simulation and energy trading (i.LECO), emulation for digital twins (Typhoon HIL), and financing (EnergyPro) to develop services that enable local professionals to apply state of the art energy system technologies. These applications and integrated packages will mature from TRL5-6 to TRL7-8 and eventually be offered as ´CES-as-a-Service´. The services will deliver 60% preparation and operational costs reductions, ensuring 99,95% uptime, 20-35% CAPEX reduction, and up to 40% additional incomes. The results are 5-10% local energy price reduction (below €0,18kWh) in systems covering all vectors, with 10³ - 10⁴ participants. The approach creates 2 fte jobs in each CES, whilst for partners remote services could reach 10% the system turnover, in what is a high growth market. In standardizing simulation and assessment tools in close collaboration with local stakeholders (30 LoS), the BRIDGE initiative and lenders (industry-lead Investor Confidence Protocols), CREATORS significantly advances commercial readiness (CRI3). The applications will be developed in 4 sites (Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, Estonia), and replicated in another 6 (the Netherlands, Bulgaria, France, Spain). The pilots mix vectors, participants and business models, covering in total >2000 households, >500SMEs and >5 industrial sites. Ten more prospective CES will be supported in feasibility studies through a competitive process, which also aims to prepare for commercial market entry.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
AUG.E 839.563 €
Acroni Podjetje ZA Proizvodnjo Jekla IN Jeklenih Izdelkov d.o.o. 169.050 €
Autoritat Portuaria de Barcelona 143.500 €
BAX Innovation Consulting SL 387.275 €
Blagovno Trgovinski Center DD 85.750 €
Building Maintenance & Services 0,00 €
Comsa Instalaciones y Sistemas Industriales SA 498.750 €
Cordeel Bulgaria EAD 0,00 €
Cordeel Zetel Temse 903.875 €
Elektro Gorenjska Podjetje ZA Distribucijo Elektricne Energije DD 111.563 €
Energipole Caraibes 0,00 €
Energisource France 210.000 €
Energypro Ltd. 247.188 €
FOR Your Energy Freedom B.V. 0,00 €
Gorenjske Elektrarne Proizvodnja Elektrike d.o.o. 0,00 €
I.Leco sp. z o.o. 0,00 €
Imtech Belgium 0,00 €
Institut Jozef Stefan 335.375 €
?????????????????? ????? ???????? ??????????????? 328.750 €
R2M Solution Spain SL 235.725 €
Starke Energy SL 0,00 €
?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ????????????, ???????????, ???????? ? ?????? ???? ??? 460.250 €
????? ???? 260.000 €
Turbulent 133.875 €


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