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40 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 4.696.764 £): Modelling the human occupancy factor in the design of naturally ventilated buildings … BdlJahr 2008 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien

01.10.2008 UK-Förderung: 3-D strain field mapping of scattering media using Wavelength Scanning Interferometry with application to damaged composites
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung: A Preservation and Packaging Platform for Cell and Tissue Based Therapies
01.07.2008 UK-Förderung: Co-Continuous Metal-Ceramic Interpenetrating Composites (IPCs) for Light Armour Applications
20.10.2008 UK-Förderung: Consumer-Appealing Low Energy Technologies for Building Retrofitting ('CALEBRE')
01.02.2008 UK-Förderung: Designing for innovation and safety: How can medical device designers do both?
15.10.2008 UK-Förderung: Developing a Supply Chain Risk Management methodology using the Scenario Planning Approach
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung: Diesel Engine Emissions During High EGR Operation
31.03.2008 UK-Förderung: Erweiterte Analyse der Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden mit Computational Intelligence-Ansätzen
01.08.2008 UK-Förderung: Linking Family Resources Survey (FRS) Data with Administrative Data (project 1)
16.09.2008 UK-Förderung: Low-cost Extremely Thinlayer Absorber (ETA) Solar Cell: A Novel approach to make the conformal ETA Layers
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung: LSI DTCs 2007-Doctoral Training Centre for Regenerative Medicine
13.10.2008 UK-Förderung: Measurement, Modelling, Mapping and Management (4M): An Evidence-Based Methodology for Understanding and Shrinking the Urban Carbon Footprint
18.12.2008 UK-Förderung: Modelling the human occupancy factor in the design of naturally ventilated buildings
01.06.2008 UK-Förderung: Novel Communications Signal Processing Techs. for Transmission Over MIMO Frequency Selective Wireless Channels Using Polynomial Matrix Decompositions
24.07.2008 UK-Förderung: Real-time Intelligent Map-matching Algorithms for Advanced Transport Telematics Systems (RiMATTS)
01.07.2008 UK-Förderung: SUPERGEN 2 - Conventional Power Plant Lifetime Extension Consortium - CORE
01.01.2008 UK-Förderung: Transnational Communities: towards a sense of belonging
03.11.2008 UK-Förderung: Working Late: Strategies to Enhance Productive and Healthy Environments for the Older Workforce
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung (1.789.896 £): DTA - Loughborough University
01.12.2008 UK-Förderung (100.819 £): Quantum Teichmuller spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces and generalized Frobenius Manifolds
01.09.2008 UK-Förderung (11.431,00 £): International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR)
01.12.2008 UK-Förderung (115.692 £): Lower-cost Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems Using III-V Cells (III-V CPV)
30.06.2008 UK-Förderung (116.655 £): Generation of singlet oxygen mediated by silicon nanoassemblies for novel organic catalytic reactions
09.10.2008 UK-Förderung (15.218,00 £): Workshop on dense granular flows
01.08.2008 UK-Förderung (15.789,00 £): UK Mathematics-in-medicine study group: Loughborough University 2008
01.05.2008 UK-Förderung (16.406,00 £): Visiting Fellow: Professor N. O. Santos
18.12.2008 UK-Förderung (210.134 £): Moving in My World: An Investigation into Young People's Embodiment and its Impact on Participation in Physical Activity
01.11.2008 UK-Förderung (215.231 £): Nanostructured Advanced Ceramics (NASTRAC)
01.06.2008 UK-Förderung (238.921 £): Controlling factors in electron and energy rates on surfaces : molecular shuttles in ternary systems
01.04.2008 UK-Förderung (24.133 £): Representations of Illness
01.05.2008 UK-Förderung (240.609 £): New method of damping structural vibrations based on the acoustic black hole effect
30.10.2008 UK-Förderung (242.962 £): Designing Mechanisms for Automated Resource Allocation: A Case for Support
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung (269.570 £): Quantum Frobenius manifolds, Nelson-Regge algebra and Riemann-Hilbert problem.
01.02.2008 UK-Förderung (277.340 £): New Strategies for the construction of linear-fused carbon ring systems
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung (446.523 £): Industrial CASE Account - Loughborough 2008
01.09.2008 UK-Förderung (46.366 £): Space and Place in Translation: Postcolonial Geographies in the work of Wilson Harris and Maryse Condé
01.06.2008 UK-Förderung (66.816 £): Using the h index to rank influential UK researchers in information science and librarianship (resubmission)
14.01.2008 UK-Förderung (72.044 £): Modelling absorption of electromagnetic radiation by carbon-based constituents of the interstellar medium
28.04.2008 UK-Förderung (74.209 £): Emotion and Crime: a mixed methods study
01.10.2008 UK-Förderung (90.000 £): DHPA - Loughborough University

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