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EU-Förderung (8.879.046 €): DeMonstration von smArt- und flExible-Lösungen für eine dekarbonisierte Energiezukunft in Mayotte und anderen europäischen islAnds Hor25.09.2020 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

Auf einen Blick


DeMonstration von smArt- und flExible-Lösungen für eine dekarbonisierte Energiezukunft in Mayotte und anderen europäischen islAnds

Aiming at decarbonising the energy systems of geographical islands, MAESHA will deploy the necessary flexibility, storage and energy management solutions for a large penetration of Renewable Energies. Cutting-edge technical systems will be developed and installed, supported by efficient modelling tools and adapted local markets and business frameworks. A community-based approach will be adopted to ensure the constant consideration of local populations’ best interests throughout the project. Putting together 10 SMEs, 3 industrial partners, 2 universities and 6 public organisations from 9 countries, MAESHA gathers strong partners with the needed expertise to develop and disseminate relevant solutions for a universally beneficial energy transition on islands. After establishing the proper use-cases and architecture designs to ensure interoperability (WMT P 1), MAESHA will develop modelling tools from real-time to long-term energy-economy observations (WMT P 2) together with adapted business, market and regulatory frameworks (WMT P 4). In parallel the community-based approach will be launched (WMT P 3). All these activities lay the foundation for the technical development of management systems for aggregating flexibility (WMT P 5) and devices based on synergies with assets of the territories (WMT P 6), optimised together through a flexibility aggregating platform (WMT P 7). After systems integration (WMT P 8), the solutions will be fully demonstrated on Mayotte (WMT P 10) and their replicabilities will be studied in five follower islands (WMT P 10). Dedicated WPs for communication, dissemination (WMT P 11) and management (WMT P 12) will maximize the impacts. With its activities, MAESHA is expected to lead to at least 70% RE penetration and reach more than 90% of Mayotte’s population. Through its strong local implantation and the focus put on replication and dissemination activities, MAESHA will deeply modify insular energy features throughout Europe and its impacts will be felt far beyond the project’s framework.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Association Leonard de Vinci 335.625 €
Bovlabs SAS 295.737 €
Centrica Business Solutions Belgium 549.938 €
Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios SA 256.813 €
Collectivite de Saint-Barthelemy 86.250 €
?????? ?? ????????? 56.875 €
Conference des Regions Peripheriques Maritimes D Europe 96.875 €
????????? ???? ?? ??????, ????????????, ???????????? ? ??????????? ?? ?? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????? 70.938 €
Creara Consultores SL 455.963 €
Cybergrid GmbH 724.920 €
E3-Modelling ΑΕ 479.785 €
Electricite de Mayotte 2.394.175 €
Euroquality SAS 218.751 €
?????????????????????? ??? 218.838 €
HIVE POWER SA 385.219 €
HUDARA gGmbH 410.250 €
Tecsol 227.675 €
?????????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????? 86.250 €
??? ???? ???????? ??????? ??????????? 56.875 €
Trialog 586.644 €


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