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UK-Förderung (201.415 £): Entwicklung neuartiger digitaler Webanwendungen zur Innovation der aktuellen gewebten Textilfärbung durch die Entwicklung eines optischen Garnfarbmischsystems Ukri01.10.2020 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Entwicklung neuartiger digitaler Webanwendungen zur Innovation der aktuellen gewebten Textilfärbung durch die Entwicklung eines optischen Garnfarbmischsystems

Zusammenfassung This project is aimed to innovate the current woven textile coloration by resolving the existing limitations in Jacquard textile design and manufacture. In conventional modern Jacquard weaving, the application of yarn colours is limited by the performance characteristics of existing electronic Jacquard machinery. As one or two colours of warp is set in continuous style, colours of an artwork are realised by a small number of weft yarn variety. Therefore, when attempting to reproduce a complex pictorial image, the designer is constrained by a limited selection of colours that can be employed at the same time. However, at present there is no relevant weaving method and colour system available to overcome the current limitation. Therefore, this research is aimed to develop unique/novel digital weaving applications/methods by establishing an optical yarn colour mixing system. In line with digital technology, prior research (PhD study) by the investigator (PI) has established the interrelationship between shaded weave structures and thread colour mixing effects that could offer an unlimited palette of colours for complex multiple weave colour reproduction. When the four primary colour threads of the CMYK system were juxtaposed in a shaded weave structure format, creating secondary colour ranges were feasible by juxtaposition. The pair combinations of CMY thread are able to expand the colour gamut to secondary colour ranges (i.e, [C]+[M]=[B], [C]+[Y]=[G], [M]+[Y]=[R]) while when the CMY combinations are mixed with black yarn, their chroma levels are varied and controlled. The result of these novel insights is published in the Textile Research Journal (SCI) including the research method in detail relating to weave structure design, weave colour sample production, weave colour analysis and digital weave pattern design of which methodology forms the secure basis for a larger investigation. This digital Jacquard research has been developing last 8 years during which fundamental theories (i.e., subtractive colour system, relevant weave structures and digital weave patterning techniques) have been investigated and tested the potential in this research to overcome the current limitations in woven textile colouration. Based on the research experience and development, the future development will deepen values of digital Jacquard textiles in understanding the physiological phenomenon of human optical illusion of juxtaposed primary colour yarns for which the collaboration between Loughborough University (LU) and Hong Kong Polytechnique University (HKPU) is highlighted to exchange knowledge for formulating diverse groups of primary yarn colours for establishing an optical yarn colour mixing system. This project will progress through taking six different stages to achieve research goals/aims. High-quality Jacquard sample production is planned in support of HKU to visualise the applied theories and developed weaving techniques/applications so as to communicate with potential audiences/beneficiaries including academics, textile manufactures, textile designers, commercial sectors (product development) and the principal beneficiary, namely, the consumer.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz AH/T006323/1
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.10.2020
Laufzeit bis 30.09.2022
Fördersumme 201.415,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien.

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