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UK-Förderung (411.988 £): Astroökologie: Die Lösung aus der Luft zur Rettung der biologischen Vielfalt der Erde Ukri01.01.2018 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Astroökologie: Die Lösung aus der Luft zur Rettung der biologischen Vielfalt der Erde

Zusammenfassung The long-term goal of this project is to build upon STFC-funded innovations in astronomy to help tackle challenges to developing countries identified in the Global Challenge Theme Areas, "Sustainable Resources" and "Sustainable Growth". Over the last 18 months we have demonstrated that software developed by astronomers to detect emission and identify objects in thermal (mid-infrared, wavelength ~10 micron) wavelength astronomical images is extremely well suited to identifying and characterising animals in aerial thermal video footage. Last year we were awarded STFC 21st Century Challenge pump priming funds to support a Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) for 9 months to develop the automated source-finding and identification software pipeline we created to work in different ecosystems. We have subsequently published a pilot paper based on this work. The press release associated with the paper was picked up by media outlets word-wide. As a result, we have received requests from many conservation organisations in developing countries asking to use our drone + software pipeline system. Having demonstrated that this has the potential to be a cost-effective and efficient way to monitor and help manage animal populations over large areas, we now request funding to (i) help the stakeholders who have contacted us, (ii) thereby demonstrate this approach can tackle some of the major challenges facing developing countries, such as food security, animal health and ecosystem monitoring/protection/conservation, and (iii) begin systematically tackling these challenges in developing countries around the world.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz ST/R002673/1
Status Closed
Laufzeit von 01.01.2018
Laufzeit bis 31.03.2021
Fördersumme 411.988,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Liverpool John Moores University
World Wide Fund for Nature

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Liverpool John Moores University EXEMPT CHARITY, Liverpool, Großbritannien.

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