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UK-Förderung (76.885 £): Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen visueller Lehr- und Lernstrategien auf die selbstberichtete Erfahrung von Studenten mit quantitativer Forschung Ukri01.08.2012 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen visueller Lehr- und Lernstrategien auf die selbstberichtete Erfahrung von Studenten mit quantitativer Forschung

Zusammenfassung This project signals the commitment of the School of Social, Geographical and Political Sciences at Loughborough University to respond to ERSC developmental priorities and a recent call by the ERSC Strategic Advisor for Quantitative Methods to enhance the profile, coverage and impact of quantitative methods teaching within undergraduate social science curricula. The purpose of this two year project is to assist the evidenced-based development and student-centred evaluation of a quantitative teaching module incorporating Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for first-year undergraduate sociology and criminology students at Loughborough University. The project aims to enhance student's educational experience, research skills and practical understanding of how to conduct descriptive and inferential quantitative statistical analysis using secondary data. The long-term impacts of the project include the development of portable teaching resources and quality assurance and enhancement tools alongside the establishment of a 'mapping webspace' to host the delivery of quantitative teaching in a learner-centred manner. Initially, the project will employ a research assistant whose role it will be to undertake a literature review of relevant published material and data sources, alongside conducting a survey of higher education sector undergraduate teaching provision which incorporates mapping technology, in order to identify core curricula content, good pedagogic practice, and quality control and enhancement frameworks. In achieving this goal it will be necessary to also establish networks and partnerships with educational, statutory, industry and third sector partners who share an interest in the application of GIS to complex social issues and problems. This work will be completed in the first nine months of the project and inform the subsequent development, delivery and evaluation of a 'crime and social mapping' quantitative teaching module, for implementation in 2013-14 academic year, which will be supported by a 'mapping webspace' containing pedagogic materials along with relevant information and resources for students. The principal investigator will deliver the proposed teaching module and with the assistance of the co-investigator evaluate its impact on students' self-reported experience of, and engagement with, statistical data and quantitative methods teaching using a mixture of student feedback questionnaires and focus group data. Data collection instruments will be developed by the research assistant and will be piloted with student volunteers. A learner-led model of impact evaluation will be used by the project. Baseline data will be collected from first-year students via a questionnaire concerning their perception of statistics and quantitative research before they start the module. Comparative data will be collected from the same students via a questionnaire and focus group after they have completed the module. The two broad research questions guiding the project are: 1.What are first year criminology and sociology student's experience of, and perceptions toward, statistics and quantitative research methods as they begin their studies? 2.What are first year criminology and sociology student's perception of quantitative research methods after completing a quantitative teaching module which incorporates mapping technology? Answering these two questions will enable the project to contribute to current academic understanding of the student experience of learning quantitative methods as well as explore the role GIS mapping technology may play in enhancing the educational experience and student engagement. The project will follow a formative learner-centred outcome evaluation model to ensure the changes introduced to enhance quantitative teaching provision embed long-term within the curriculum.This involves full consultation with students and external examiners.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz ES/J011452/1
Status Closed
Laufzeit von 01.08.2012
Laufzeit bis 31.07.2014
Fördersumme 76.885,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University

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