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19 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 3.824.846 £): A chicken primary B cell culture model to study the pathogenesis and improve the control of immunosuppressive viruses of poultry … BdlJahr 2017 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


THE Pirbright Institute, Woking, Großbritannien

12.09.2017 UK-Förderung: chIFITM knockdown/knockout technology as a platform technology for increased vaccine yields.
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Disease Pathogenesis
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung: Enhancing protective efficacy of avian influenza vaccines through targeted delivery of protective antigens to chicken immune cells
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: High Containment
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung: Impact of T lymphocytes on clinical disease, immune responses and transmission of bluetongue virus in sheep
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung: Japan Partnering Award: Understanding diversity of avian influenza viruses and improvement of vaccines and diagnostics
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Low Containment
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung: Mechanisms of sex determination in Anopheles and their implementation to control mosquito vectors
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Molecular and Systems Virology
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Recognition and control of virus infections
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Science Services
03.07.2017 UK-Förderung: The gnatwork: building capacity for research on neglected tropical vectors
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Transmission and Epidemiology
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Viral Persistence
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Viral transmission by insect vectors
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung: Virus diversity and evolution
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (2.359.553 £): A Nipah vaccine to eliminate porcine reservoirs and safeguard human health
01.12.2017 UK-Förderung (349.071 £): A chicken primary B cell culture model to study the pathogenesis and improve the control of immunosuppressive viruses of poultry
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (98.212 £): Active and Passive Immunity induced by aerosols in pigs

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