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34 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 3.530.614 £): H+ fluxes in phytoplankton - a mechanistic and modelling study of their physiological roles and impact upon community responses to ocean acidification … BdlJahr 2012 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Swansea University, Swansea, Großbritannien

01.01.2012 UK-Förderung: Advanced solid-state multi-stage biomolecule separations
12.11.2012 UK-Förderung: China partnering: exploiting actinobacteria from extreme environments
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung: COATED: Centre Of Advanced Training for Engineering Doctorates
01.02.2012 UK-Förderung: Cyunedau Cyslltiedig: Researching the Industrial and Post-Industrial Communities of the Swansea Valley
01.11.2012 UK-Förderung: Development of a Chinese Language version of the Social & Community Opportunities Profile (SCOPE) for NGO services in Hong Kong
01.05.2012 UK-Förderung: iCOAST: Integrated COASTal sediment systems
05.03.2012 UK-Förderung: Modelling Campylobacter survival and spread through poultry processing: a population genomics approach.
11.12.2012 UK-Förderung: Soil surface matters: Microbial controls upon hydraulic behaviour at the soil surface
01.07.2012 UK-Förderung: SPECIFIC Tranche 1: Buildings as Power Stations
01.03.2012 UK-Förderung: Tag & Charge A new approach to simultaneously enrich and enhance phosphoproteome analysis
01.04.2012 UK-Förderung: The Global Hub in Medical Technologies and NanoHealth at Swansea University
23.11.2012 UK-Förderung: Tools for automated cell identification and cell lineage tracking
14.02.2012 UK-Förderung: Translation Arrays: Version Variation Visualization (Phase 2)
01.06.2012 UK-Förderung: Wideband Optical Communication Systems Using Phase-Sensitive/Insensitive Fibre Optical Parametric Amplifiers
03.09.2012 UK-Förderung (127.396 £): Does diversity deliver? How variation in individual knowledge and behavioural traits impact on the performance of animal groups
01.07.2012 UK-Förderung (13.432,00 £): Swansea University And Welsh Government
01.12.2012 UK-Förderung (156.854 £): The Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector: Inequality and Work Quality
01.01.2012 UK-Förderung (177.824 £): Swansea University And Silverwing (UK) Limited
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (194.000 £): SILOET 2: Project 8 High Temperature Turbine Technology and Demonstration
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (202.329 £): Industrial CASE Account - Swansea University 2012
15.04.2012 UK-Förderung (22.213 £): Enriched motivic homotopy theory
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (265.594 £): A Statistically Rigorous Framework for the Analysis of Biological Mass Spectrometry Data
23.02.2012 UK-Förderung (29.500 £): GridPP networking infrastructure (DRI)
06.03.2012 UK-Förderung (31.593 £): iCOAST Integrated COASTal sediment systems
27.02.2012 UK-Förderung (32.055 £): Difference and Desire: homoeroticism, gender and nation in the life and fiction of Amy Dillwyn
28.12.2012 UK-Förderung (35.436 £): H+ fluxes in phytoplankton - a mechanistic and modelling study of their physiological roles and impact upon community responses to ocean acidification
01.04.2012 UK-Förderung (384.142 £): Developing an integrated "in vitro carcinogenicity predictive tool"
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (403.483 £): Quota Studentship 2012
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (41.408 £): BRITICE-CHRONO: Constraining rates and style of marine influenced ice sheet decay
01.11.2012 UK-Förderung (490.081 £): Small items of research equipment at Swansea University for an Interdisciplinary Launch-Laboratory
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (67.357 £): Annotated centenary edition of Dylan Thomas's collected poems
01.10.2012 UK-Förderung (767.043 £): DTA - Swansea University
23.04.2012 UK-Förderung (79.586 £): Dream content as a measure of memory consolidation across multiple periods of sleep
27.04.2012 UK-Förderung (9.288,00 £): Singular limits of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic PDE

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