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UK-Förderung (651.325 £): Digital Servitization Demonstrator: Vom Sensor über den Service bis zum Geschäftserfolg Ukri01.08.2020 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Digital Servitization Demonstrator: Vom Sensor über den Service bis zum Geschäftserfolg

Zusammenfassung Baxi is a global player in the heating sector and has been working with industrial digital technologies (IDTs) for over ten years, aiming to improve our market share, competitiveness and productivity. Servitization is a growing manufacturing model, with 70% of manufacturers offering some level of servitization. However, few manufacturers offer more than consumables with maintenance schedules. We have assembled a cross sector project consortium with input from industry, UK SMEs and research organisations. The project will develop a Digital Servitization Demonstrator. We will deploy a new and innovative fusion of advanced services and digital servitization technologies, including sensors and IoT to create a digital twin of Baxi's manufacturing and service business. The DSD will provide the basis for a neutral Digital Platform (DP) which is not sector specific. This will be a wider, all-industry adaptable servitization model which can be transferred between sectors and developed as a bespoke model for individual companies. The model will enable a range manufacturing and supply 'digital twins' but also provide a means for businesses to use digital technologies to manage contracts, supply chains, customer contacts and all aspects of their business. The model has the potential to facilitate a step change in UK manufacturing and in other sectors, speeding manufacture, facilitating logistics, supply chains and customer service. Rollout of the models developed will enable UK business to become more agile and more competitive, stimulating growth.
Kategorie Collaborative R&D
Referenz 40693
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.08.2020
Laufzeit bis 30.06.2022
Fördersumme 651.325,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Baxi Heating UK Limited

163.682,00 £

Aston University

110.051,00 £

Oxford Brookes University

31.984,00 £

Siemens Industry Software Limited
Advanced Services Group Limited

80.316,00 £

Tactile Technology Limited

82.735,00 £

Uv Light Technology Limited

29.786,00 £

University of Sheffield
Digital Catapult

74.990,00 £

Koolmill Systems Limited

17.199,00 £

?????????? ?? ??????

60.580,00 £

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Baxi Heating UK Ltd., Warwick, Großbritannien.

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