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UK-Förderung (235.158 £): Tourismus als Erinnerungsstiftung: Erbe und Erinnerungskriege in postsowjetischen Städten Ukri07.01.2019 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Tourismus als Erinnerungsstiftung: Erbe und Erinnerungskriege in postsowjetischen Städten

Zusammenfassung In an age of advanced globalisation, communication technologies and mass mobility, cultural memory increasingly exceeds the confines of local communities and the nation-state, creating the potential for the articulation of new cosmopolitan memories as well as conflicts over the interpretation of the past. Transnational mnemonic dynamics have been explored in relation to international relations, films, monuments and new media, however international tourism as a key field for transnational contacts has received only limited attention. The project examines the construction and contestation of cultural memory in transnational touristic encounters, focusing on the example of Russian tourism to three post-Soviet cities. Every year thousands of Russians travel to cities that used to be part of their own state during the Tsarist and Soviet periods and became part of newly independent nation-states after the break-up of the Soviet Union. These tourist mobilities provide opportunities for the negotiation of cultural memories and local heritage sites as tour guides tell tourists stories about the destinations they are visiting and tourists arrive with particular expectations and perceptions of places and their pasts. These interpersonal encounters are situated in a context of shifting geopolitical relations and on-going tensions between Russia and its neighbours, particularly in relation to the interpretation of the shared past. Focusing on the perspectives and interactional dynamics of tourists and tour guides, the project will illuminate what memories and identities in relation to the contested past can be found in tourism across different national contexts. The project addresses four research questions: RQ1: What cultural memories are produced in transnational encounters between tourists and tour guides? RQ2: What are tour guides' approaches to and experiences of working with tourists? RQ3: How do tourists relate to places and enact identities through memory practices? RQ4: How is memory-making in tourism shaped by different national contexts and power relations? The project uses the innovative methodological design of a comparative ethnographic study of tourism in three purposefully selected cities, Tallinn, Estonia, Kyiv, Ukraine, and Almaty, Kazakhstan, which have significant numbers of Russian tourists and differ distinctly in their historical and present relations to Russia. The research is based on participant observations of guided tours and semi-structured interviews with tour guides and tourists, which will be brought together in a "thick comparison" of the three case studies. The methodological approach makes use of the traditional openness of the ethnographic method while at the same time the selection of key sites and practices of memory-making allows for systematic comparisons across cases. Contributions The project will make an important intervention in memory studies by drawing attention to the productivity of tourism for memory making. It will also contribute to tourism studies and the understanding of the post-Soviet space by expanding the study of tourism beyond tourists from the West and by broadening understanding of memory and identity constructions in the post-Soviet space against the background of on-going tensions between Russia and its neighbours. To benefit non-academic users, the project will provide insights into existing heritage communication, which will facilitate the development of practice-oriented lessons for future guiding practice.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz ES/R011680/1
Status Active
Laufzeit von 07.01.2019
Laufzeit bis 20.02.2022
Fördersumme 235.158,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien.

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