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UK-Förderung (184.963 £): Connect2Aspire: Kulturelles Engagement und berufliche Ambitionen junger Menschen Ukri01.02.2019 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Connect2Aspire: Kulturelles Engagement und berufliche Ambitionen junger Menschen

Zusammenfassung This Fellowship will examine and promote the value of communication ecologies to afford new ways of seeing, examining and engaging with complex social challenges that cannot be dealt with through silo or monodisciplinary approaches. A programme of RESEARCH will address a priority area in the UK government's 2017 Industrial Strategy Green Paper - Pillar 3: Developing skills, which emphasises the precariousness of the future job market and the need for future workers to upskill and reskill and engage in lifelong learning. Connect2Aspire will use communicative ecologies as a holistic framework to afford new ways to look at skills development and preparing youth for lifelong learning, shifting the focus from the triangle school-youth-employer to concentrate on young people, their information and communication practices and the interest-driven pursuit of learning opportunities distributed across the home, community, school, peer groups and cultural spaces. My Fellowship builds on a research line on communicative ecologies, social networks and aspirations, which I have been pursuing for the past five years and which indicates the key role of aspirations for providing young people with drive, direction, informed choice and responsibility in pursuing life and career pathways. Building on the work of Indian anthropologist and sociologist Arjun Appadurai and economist Debraj Ray, I define aspirations as cultural capacities, which are formed, shaped and evolve in close connection to an individual's socio-cultural milieu, nurtured through meaningful social connections, and powerful drivers of behaviour and motivation. Three research questions guide this study, dealing with understanding needs and gaps, scoping opportunities, and envisaging avenues for change: (1) How do young people access and make sense of information to shape their professional aspirations and choose initial career directions? (2) How can engagements in the cultural sector be leveraged to support young people in their professional aspirations and choices? (3) What new structures, connections and cooperation pathways among local educational, community and cultural institutions can support young people to shape and pursue their professional aspirations and choices? Working in collaboration with a cultural sector, an academic and two non-profit partners, I will design and conduct a community ethnography in Coventry and a study on cultural engagements in cultural sites and museums. Findings will shed light on how young people's aspirations and initial professional choices are shaped by the cultural and communicative practices and networks they are engaged in, and how these are embedded in broader socio-economic structures. On this basis, I will provide recommendations on new structures that connect among the educational, community and cultural sectors in a locality, aligned to young people's interests, needs and their information seeking practices. A LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT programme will enable me to establish intellectual leadership in ecological approaches to communication studies, apply them to address sectoral needs in the UK, and shape new research agendas that bring communication and media studies in dialogue with other disciplines for socially engaged and policy relevant research. Leadership capabilities will be honed through a combination of mentorship, training, and opportunities to demonstrate leadership in the organisation of events addressing academic, practice and public audiences. Outputs include 3 sector-targeted reports, a methodological toolkit for mapping young people's cultural and communication practices and aspiration pathways, 3 journal articles, a monograph, and 2 policy-informing briefings. Findings will be disseminated towards academic, practice, local community and policy audiences through a seminar at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 3 conference presentations, two postgraduate research workshops, and a final symposium in Coventry.
Kategorie Fellowship
Referenz AH/S004424/1
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.02.2019
Laufzeit bis 28.02.2022
Fördersumme 184.963,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University
Victoria and Albert Museum
The Roma Project
Coventry Boys and Girls Club
Bournemouth University

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien.

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