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13 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 1.049.201 £): Increasing drought resistance in crops by 25% - controlling epigenetic expression to abiotic stress through biostimulants and micronutrients … BdlJahr 2018 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, Großbritannien

10.09.2018 UK-Förderung: Crossed Wires: Literature and Telephony
12.02.2018 UK-Förderung: Innovative condition monitoring of electricity transmission asset - from science based archaeology to monitoring environmental risks on infrastructure
01.11.2018 UK-Förderung: LABYRINTH: Conservation, Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction of the Archaeological Site of Hawara Pyramid and Labyrinth (El Fayoum)
26.03.2018 UK-Förderung: Organo-Fluoro-Pnictonium Cations: Designing a New Class of Lewis Acid Catalyst
08.01.2018 UK-Förderung: Postcards from the Bagne: Tourism in the shadow of France's overseas penal history
16.07.2018 UK-Förderung: Scoping Study for a Global Food Security Information Architecture
01.03.2018 UK-Förderung (19.992,00 £): Einsatz von Nano-MIPS zur Gewinnung wertvoller Verbindungen aus Abfallströmen
01.07.2018 UK-Förderung (201.661 £): PrintAblate: Offset printed and Laser Ablated Flexible Circuits - Materials and Processes
01.11.2018 UK-Förderung (209.935 £): Improving the productivity, sustainability and scalability of hydroponic growing systems - reducing agrochemical dependency through UV, electrolysis and organic biofilters
01.09.2018 UK-Förderung (21.424 £): Urban Flood Resilience in an Uncertain Future
01.11.2018 UK-Förderung (240.244 £): Increasing drought resistance in crops by 25% - controlling epigenetic expression to abiotic stress through biostimulants and micronutrients
01.09.2018 UK-Förderung (314.920 £): Dynamic Dewetting: Designing and Breaking Novel Morphologies of Liquid Films
01.07.2018 UK-Förderung (41.025 £): Nottingham Trent University and Cole-Parmer Limited

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