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UK-Förderung (3.938.449 £): AIMCH - Fortschrittliche industrialisierte Methoden für den Bau von Häusern Ukri01.02.2019 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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AIMCH - Fortschrittliche industrialisierte Methoden für den Bau von Häusern

Zusammenfassung "**AIMCH seeks to industrialise the housing sector**, applying design for manufacture and assembly solutions to become a global housing leader. Digital working and offsite construction have not broken through as viable mainstream alternative's to paper based design and masonry methods. **AIMCH's ambition will transform how we build homes,** through industrialisation, solving these challenges for good. AIMCH will be a **sector catalyst** moving to housing delivery to become a **digitally integrated, manufacturing and assembly based sector**. The UK needs an additional **120,000 homes each year**. Housing faces many challenges reduce construction skills, aging workforce and poor intake. Productivity is poor and output is low. Housing quality, customer satisfaction and building performance must improve. Affordability is low and costs too high. Housing is fragmented, risk adverse and cyclical limiting long term investment. AIMCH goal is to deliver **offsite construction for the cost of masonry** and understand how future advanced offsite solutions can be applied. This **ambition has never been achieved**, creating business opportunity. AIMCH seeks **20% cost reduction, 30% productivity gain, 50% less defects, build 5,000 & impact 35,000 homes** across the sector. **AIMCH unique collaboration** will develop and commercialise digital design tools, develop new automated manufacturing systems, trial enhanced & advanced offsite systems, with new lean site processes. AIMCH will be the **Henry Ford of housing**, catalysing sector transformation, becoming the game-changing project, for Industry and Government to showcase. AIMCH will make people's lives easier driving uptake because people want too. AIMCH has the UK's largest private, rented and social housing providers, leading offsite manufacturers and UK researchers. **AIMCH provides scale** (35,000 homes or 16% of the market) high profile companies & innovation **capability**, with clear route to market exploitation. AIMCH will deliver **wider sector benefits** in jobs, investment, growth, younger and diverse workers, provide communities, accelerate technology adoption and become a world leading housing exemplar. This **36 month £6.2m Innovation project** will develop **concepts, prototype and trial solutions** on 10-12 live projects. New methods will be commercialised & disseminated for wide market uptake. AIMCH are confident **we can deliver** this ambition."
Kategorie Collaborative R&D
Referenz 104805
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.02.2019
Laufzeit bis 30.04.2022
Fördersumme 3.938.449,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Stewart Milne Group Limited

770.264,00 £

Forster Roofing Services Limited

288.367,00 £

Barratt Developments P L C

783.902,00 £

Tarmac Trading Limited

14.148,00 £

London & Quadrant Housing Trust Limited

522.083,00 £

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

397.119,00 £

Manufacturing Technology Centre

1.162.565,00 £

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Stewart Milne Group Ltd., Edinburgh, Großbritannien.

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