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23 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 3.329.249 £): Redeploying second-life EV/HEV batteries for novel renewable energy applications: A Feasibility Study … BdlJahr 2011 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Cranfield University, Cranfield, Großbritannien

01.05.2011 UK-Förderung (24.358 £): Feasibility Study for an Optimised 1N Monopropellant Thruster Nozzle for Earth Observation Telecoms and Navigation Missions
01.05.2011 UK-Förderung (25.000 £): Precooler Isolator Modelling for Hybrid Single Stage to Orbit Propulsion Systems Using Advanced CFD?????
01.01.2011 UK-Förderung (254.723 £): Cranfield University And British American Tobacco (Holdings) Limited
01.10.2011 UK-Förderung (276.484 £): Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2011
01.05.2011 UK-Förderung (28.695 £): Determination of the total energy proportion potential from the biobased fraction of mixed wastes
01.01.2011 UK-Förderung (29.600 £): Image analysis of waste materials to determine the energy potential and biogenic fraction
01.08.2011 UK-Förderung (30.066 £): Control of boundary layer streaks induced by free-stream turbulence using a novel velocity-pressure control framework.
12.09.2011 UK-Förderung (309.727 £): Transforming Utilities' Conversion Points
01.04.2011 UK-Förderung (341.167 £): Cranfield University - ESRC Standard Research Transition Standard Quota DTG
01.10.2011 UK-Förderung (437.857 £): All in One: Feasibility Analysis of Supplying All Services Through One Utility Product
12.07.2011 UK-Förderung (5.834.394 £): EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services
23.11.2011 UK-Förderung (53.765 £): Understanding How Marine Renewable Device Operations Influence Fine Scale Habitat Use and Behaviour of Marine Vertebrates (RESPONSE)
06.10.2011 UK-Förderung (6.111.531 £): EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision
03.10.2011 UK-Förderung (611.830 £): Transforming water scarcity through trading
01.10.2011 UK-Förderung (67.307 £): [WATER] Competitive exclusion as a means to reduce E. coli regrowth in digested sludge
14.11.2011 UK-Förderung (67.307 £): Environmental Nanoparticle Detection (ENPD): Development of a novel sensor to measure environmental nanoparticle exposure
01.04.2011 UK-Förderung (71.245 £): Cranfield University - ESRC CASE Transition DTG
01.01.2011 UK-Förderung (72.216 £): Cranfield University And Airbus Operations Limited
01.12.2011 UK-Förderung (79.165 £): Redeploying second-life EV/HEV batteries for novel renewable energy applications: A Feasibility Study
01.11.2011 UK-Förderung (89.746 £): Cranfield University And Glassworks Hounsell Limited
01.10.2011 UK-Förderung (924.984 £): DTA - Cranfield University
23.03.2011 UK-Förderung (96.678 £): A Discrete Event Simulator for Modelling Support Services in an Engineering Environment

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