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38 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 6.383.928 £): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Career and Migration … BdlJahr 2007 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien

06.08.2007 UK-Förderung: *Depth-resolved phase-contrast optical metrology in life sciences and engineering
01.07.2007 UK-Förderung: Accessibility & User Needs in Transport for Sustainable Urban Environments - AUNT-SUE
30.09.2007 UK-Förderung: Advanced Transmit Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing Techniques for the Enhancement of Capacity and Coverage in Wireless Broadband Access Systems.
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Biological and Engineering Impacts of Climate Change on Slopes: Learning from full scale
01.07.2007 UK-Förderung: Can we boost UK Olympic medal performance by improving water sport buoyancy aids?
01.04.2007 UK-Förderung: Fast Energy Rating for Photovoltaic Devices and Modules (FENRA)
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Fluxon based superconducting electronics
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Laser surface treatment of polymeric biomaterials for enhanced cell response
01.03.2007 UK-Förderung: Linear electromagnetic actuation system for active vehicle suspension
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Processing of Nanostructured Ceramics
01.01.2007 UK-Förderung: Rapemeal valorisation: improving the economics of biodiesel manufacture
01.07.2007 UK-Förderung: Replacement Laser for the Optical Engineering Research Group (Equipment for Multiple Projects Proposal)
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Shoe Signature Monitoring for Advanced Running Technique (ShoeSMART)(Feasibility Proposal)
08.05.2007 UK-Förderung: Strategic Feedback Control of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes
01.04.2007 UK-Förderung: The Impact of New Health Imperatives on Schools
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Understanding the mode of action of cold plasma sterilisation on foodbourne pathogens.
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung: Unsteady flow effects on film cooling in low-emissions gas turbine combustors
01.07.2007 UK-Förderung (11.048,00 £): 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing
01.12.2007 UK-Förderung (15.692,00 £): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Career and Migration
01.04.2007 UK-Förderung (151.923 £): Extended Life and Innovative Recycling of Carbon Waste for Friction Applications
01.03.2007 UK-Förderung (16.077,00 £): Isospectral kinetic equation for solitons: integrability, exact solutions and physical applications
01.08.2007 UK-Förderung (17.030,00 £): Role of Modelling & Simulation in Advancing NATO NEC - Loughborough Participation in MSG-062.
01.04.2007 UK-Förderung (190.027 £): New Thyristors for T & D Applications (NEWTON)
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (2.068.036 £): DTA - Loughborough University
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (24.298 £): Exploring ecoliteracy and its relevance in realizing far-reaching sustainable innovation
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (289.053 £): Multi-dimensional Soil Erosion and Associated Chemical Transport: Experiments, Mathematical Modelling and Field Evaluation
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (302.373 £): Semiconducting and superconducting nano-devices to control terahertz radiation: emitters, filters, detectors, amplifiers and lenses.
20.06.2007 UK-Förderung (347.839 £): Superspreading: self-organization on nano-scale
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (37.625 £): INDICATOR: International and National Developments In Collaborations relating to Air Travel and Operational Research
01.09.2007 UK-Förderung (44.006 £): A longitudinal study of allied health professionals' career attitudes, intentions and behaviour in a changing labour market
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (53.512 £): Multiscale modelling and experimental investigation of radiation effects in oxides and heavy metals
01.06.2007 UK-Förderung (537.146 £): Enhancing Networks and Wireless Research at Loughborough University's Communications Research Group - A Case for Platform Grant Support
01.08.2007 UK-Förderung (61.571 £): Multidimensional integrable systems, differential-difference equations and the symmetry approach
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (79.731 £): Sustaining the Crime Drop in Industrialised Nations: A Crime-Specific Problem-Solving Approach
10.08.2007 UK-Förderung (84.507 £): Novel Inline Deposition System for High Performance CIGS Solar Cells
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (90.000 £): DHPA - Loughborough University
01.10.2007 UK-Förderung (97.259 £): Attention Responsive Technology Implementation For Independent Control of the Environment (ARTIFICE)

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