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12 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 773.030 £): Nanoactuation of plasma membrane protein clusters … BdlJahr 2009 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, Großbritannien

01.04.2009 UK-Förderung: A multilevel approach to understanding the aetiology of work-related health and well-being: Linking individual and organisational factors
01.10.2009 UK-Förderung: Gut health of poultry in the post-antibiotic era: elucidating the mechanisms underlying successful feed supplements
12.01.2009 UK-Förderung: Industrial CASE Account - Nottingham Trent 2008
07.12.2009 UK-Förderung: Nanoactuation of plasma membrane protein clusters
09.06.2009 UK-Förderung: The nature of highly polarised radio sources
01.05.2009 UK-Förderung: The Relevance of Jean-Paul Sartre today
01.06.2009 UK-Förderung: The support priorities of multiply excluded homeless people and their compatibility with support agency agendas
01.02.2009 UK-Förderung (23.170 £): Understanding complex structures: the conservation, display and interpretation of lace and natural objects
02.11.2009 UK-Förderung (311.350 £): Particle based superhydrophobic surfaces: Lab models-to-field sample behaviour
22.06.2009 UK-Förderung (353.777 £): Engineering of surfaces for drag reduction in water with validation using computational and experimental methods
01.10.2009 UK-Förderung (6.686,00 £): Process & Impact Review: Engaging With Scottish Local Authorities Scheme
01.06.2009 UK-Förderung (78.047 £): Sweetness and power: the political economy of sugar policy change

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