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UK-Förderung (25.948 £): EIN NEUES ITALIENISCHES POLITISCHES KINO? Ukri01.09.2010 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien



Zusammenfassung 'A New Italian Political Cinema?' is a cross-disciplinary network to examine the politicization of Italian cinema in the new millennium, a phenomenon evidenced through a proliferation of films which have explored the country's economic and social instability, its environmental problems, and the misuse of institutional power- an issue notably explored in Moretti's Il caimano (2006). But while different generations of directors are being drawn to explore Italy's changing socio-economic realities; 'A New Italian Political Cinema?' will ascertain whether their depictions of Italian society are merely motivated by a desire for fresh appearance forms and stark local colour, or by a radical impulse for change. The network will also investigate phenomena that are instrumental in obstructing or facilitating the production and diffusion of radical film projects in Italy, factors ranging from state and self-censorship to distribution oligopolies. In theoretical terms, the project will revisit the writings of cultural scholars such as Terry Eagleton and Fredric Jameson to consider whether Italian cinema - and, by implication, UK and other national cinemas - has become a locus where the ideological and political hegemony of dominant socio-economic groups is realistically depicted and challenged. Conversely, is this new wave of cinematic work merely producing imaginary resolutions to the social antagonisms that it portrays, for example by repressing problematic social content via mythical narrative reconciliations? In recent Italian films, which signs or ideologemes - Jameson's term - have become the focal point of antagonism between conflicting class interests? For example, in the films of Gabriele Salvatores, mass culture and virtual reality technology have both functioned as loci for conflict between progressive, emancipatory impulses and dominant, hegemonic forces. \n\nThe network will initially centre on three workshops and film screenings in London (November 2010), Adelaide (January 2011) and Conegliano/Venice (July 2011). It will pool the expertise of cinema scholars, film directors, members of Italy's immigrant communities, trade unions, environmental groups, and representatives of the Partito di Alternativa Comunista, the party emerging in 2006 following a schism within the Partito della Rifondazione Comunista. Input from the Oscar-winning director Giuseppe Tornatore, via recorded interviews, will also inform the project. At each event, the ongoing work of researchers in the field of modern Italian cinema will be integrated with the personal testimonies and individual experience of the workshop facilitators to form a group analysis of the socio-political issues that have characterized a range of contemporary Italian films, many of these questions also being relevant to the UK and other film-producing nations. These questions include: the problematic integration of immigrants in post-industrial society; the vulnerability of both the bourgeoisie and working classes in a context of declining job security; the social repercussions of profit accumulation prevailing over environmental protection; the implications of Berlusconi's political, economic and cultural influence upon society as evidenced both directly and indirectly through the medium of film. The workshops will be open to all and their different locations will facilitate access to the project for its participants. and reduce their travel costs. Subsequently, an international conference at the ?????????? ?? ??????? (January 2012) will advance the network's research within a more structured context. Research findings will eventually be disseminated via the ?????????? ?? ???????'s Working Papers series, a published volume of essays in Italian, a monograph in English, and a dedicated, open-access website in English. There will also be further bi-annual events during the subsequentphases of the network.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz AH/H033785/1
Status Closed
Laufzeit von 01.09.2010
Laufzeit bis 31.01.2012
Fördersumme 25.948,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

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Flinders University
Partito di Alternativa Comunista
La citta' incantata

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: University of Salford, Salford, Großbritannien.

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