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51 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 8.737.411 £): Robotics & Remote Sensing for HMA & ERW Survey: Southeast Asia Feasibility Study with LMIC Collaborator Engagement … BdlJahr 2017 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Cranfield University, Cranfield, Großbritannien

01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (1.134.140 £): TwinGen- Prototyping des kompaktesten Heizkessels der Welt
03.04.2017 UK-Förderung (1.228.366 £): Through-life performance: From science to instrumentation
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (100.992 £): Application of microwaves on the production of liquid biofuels
01.11.2017 UK-Förderung (101.435 £): Implementing innovative technology to tackle barriers in utilising human waste derived fertilisers in Sub Saharan African agriculture
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (102.428 £): Solar Steam - A novel application of Fresnel lenses as a solar thermal collector to benefit industry
29.03.2017 UK-Förderung (150.944 £): Pothole Identification and Management Autonomous System
01.08.2017 UK-Förderung (157.212 £): Redefining power generation from carbonaceous fuels with carbonate looping combustion and gasification technologies
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (179.831 £): Technical feasibility study to scale thermal heat generator
14.02.2017 UK-Förderung (180.050 £): RCUK-SEA - High Density Air Quality Monitoring in the Klang Valley (Malaysia) - A New High Resolution Observational Capability.
01.07.2017 UK-Förderung (187.836 £): Cranfield University and Design Rule Limited
04.12.2017 UK-Förderung (20.183 £): Robotics & Remote Sensing for HMA & ERW Survey: Southeast Asia Feasibility Study with LMIC Collaborator Engagement
01.12.2017 UK-Förderung (202.098 £): Achieving better chemistry faster through thermoelectric promotion of catalysis
01.07.2017 UK-Förderung (202.980 £): Robotic Wire + Arc Additive Manufacuture
01.03.2017 UK-Förderung (203.250 £): Solar Steam - A novel application of Fresnel lenses as a solar thermal collector to benefit industry.
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (216.442 £): GRAM - Gravity for Rivers Agriculture and Mines
31.07.2017 UK-Förderung (227.473 £): Project Alloyed
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (231.747 £): Production of liquid fuels through pyrolysis conversion of low-grade plastic-rich wastes
01.05.2017 UK-Förderung (234.071 £): Resilience of below-ground fungal communities: a mechanistic and trait-based approach
10.09.2017 UK-Förderung (236.807 £): Water-security in Ethiopia and the Emotional response of Pastoralists (WEEP)
01.03.2017 UK-Förderung (238.212 £): Development of Low Cost Alkaline Solar Cells
21.06.2017 UK-Förderung (253.907 £): Harmonising and UPgrading GREENhouse gas removal (GGR) consequential Life Cycle Assessment (UP-green-LCA)
11.01.2017 UK-Förderung (254.037 £): Phase III of The Directed Assembly EPRSC Grand Challenge Network: From Discovery to Translation
01.08.2017 UK-Förderung (3.054.563 £): Multi-Car Collision Avoidance
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (3.726.632 £): UHBR Thermik
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (333.184 £): Industrial CASE Account - Cranfield University 2017
01.03.2017 UK-Förderung (35.000 £): Solar Oil
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (39.286 £): GRAM - Gravity for Rivers, Agriculture and Mines
07.04.2017 UK-Förderung (40.313 £): Solar Oil
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (448.969 £): ErgoEye: Operative Echtzeit-Bewertung der Ergonomie in der flexiblen Fertigung
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (512.500 £): NPIF EPSRC Doctoral - Cranfield University 2017
21.06.2017 UK-Förderung (538.307 £): Soils Research to deliver Greenhouse Gas REmovals and Abatement Technologies (Soils-R-GGREAT)
01.09.2017 UK-Förderung (56.495 £): Exothermic Reactive Seal Coatings (ER-Sealcoat)
01.05.2017 UK-Förderung (562.850 £): Metal contamination of rice supplies in Asia
26.06.2017 UK-Förderung (60.027 £): New Methods and Data for Energy Research (NEMDER)
01.06.2017 UK-Förderung (60.465 £): System Transition to Digital Energy
01.07.2017 UK-Förderung (68.235 £): Cranfield University and iDirect UK Limited
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (69.951 £): EPICTidal: Establishing the performance implications of employing lower cost methods for the manufacture of large scale tidal turbine rotors
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (7.380.000 £): UKCRIC - Urban Water Facilities at Cranfield
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (7.506.794 £): Future Landing Gear Phase 2
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (721.808 £): Messtechnik und digitale Fertigung zur Servitisierung von Fertigungsmaschinen
09.01.2017 UK-Förderung (755.750 £): Energy Resilient Manufacturing 2: Small is Beautiful Phase 2 (SIB2)
03.07.2017 UK-Förderung (766.237 £): Investigation of the novel challenges of an integrated offshore multi-purpose platform
01.05.2017 UK-Förderung (78.744 £): Establishing the performance implications of employing lower cost methods for the manufacture of large scale tidal turbine rotors (EPICTidal)
01.07.2017 UK-Förderung (8.697.530 £): HumanAntrieb
01.04.2017 UK-Förderung (852.493 £): Impact Acceleration Account - Cranfield University 2017
01.02.2017 UK-Förderung (9.640,00 £): Exploring the use of drones for catastrophe situation reporting and damage assessment
02.10.2017 UK-Förderung (912.290 £): NERC National Productivity Investment Fund Studentships Allocation Outcomes: Award to DREAM CDT (Data Risk and Environmental Analytical Methods)
01.12.2017 UK-Förderung (930.494 £): Point of care diagnosis of gastrointestinal disease using laser spectroscopy
01.11.2017 UK-Förderung (935.660 £): Micro Turbine Renewable Energy Combustor (MiTREC)
01.11.2017 UK-Förderung (96.238 £): Innovative Tantalum Coatings Technology, (InTaCT)
01.10.2017 UK-Förderung (975.144 £): Development of a plastic waste derived fuel for industrial burner application

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