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UK-Förderung (800.499 £): Verbessertes Verständnis, Entwicklung und Optimierung von Perowskit-basierten Solarzellen Ukri01.01.2015 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Verbessertes Verständnis, Entwicklung und Optimierung von Perowskit-basierten Solarzellen

Zusammenfassung Solar is an increasingly important source of power generation. Word-wide installations of new solar modules will exceed 40GW in 2014 with over 1GW that capacity will be installed in the UK. The cost of modules has decreased sharply over the past two years due to over-supply from manufacturers. The cost reduction is now stimulating demand because the cost of energy from solar is now at 'grid parity' in some important regions of the world. An exciting new type of solar cell based on thin film perovskite light absorbers has been discovered in the UK which has the potential to lower costs still further. The discovery has been made by a team of researchers at Oxford University. The progress they have made with these new devices has been unprecedented and in only two years the Oxford team has achieved conversion efficiencies exceeding 17%. Moreover, the technology has been protected by filing patent applications on the fundamental discoveries. The Supergen Supersolar Hub comprises eight of the UK's leading University groups (including Oxford) engaged in the development of photovoltaic technologies. The Supergen SuperSolar Hub was quick to recognise the importance of the perovskite development and has already funded complementary research programmes in Hub member and Associate member laboratories through its flexible funding. This proposal for Supergen + funding will increase the scope and ambition of the Hub's perovskite research in modelling, synthesis, process optimization and characterization to boost conversion efficiencies still further and help maintain the UK's leadership position. In addition to the proposed research, proposals are made to increase the Hub's involvement with industry and with leading International laboratories to accelerate progress and lay the foundations for timely exploitation.
Kategorie Research Grant
Referenz EP/M014797/1
Status Closed
Laufzeit von 01.01.2015
Laufzeit bis 31.10.2017
Fördersumme 800.499,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University
University of New South Wales
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
M-Solv Limited
Colorado State University
Oxford Photovoltaics Limited
Ossila Ltd.

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien.

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