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12 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 980.789 £): Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Investigation of Upper Pleistocene human occupation in the Dhofar Mountains, southern Arabia … BdlJahr 2009 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, Großbritannien

01.10.2009 UK-Förderung: Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Investigation of Upper Pleistocene human occupation in the Dhofar Mountains, southern Arabia
02.09.2009 UK-Förderung: SNACC: Suburban Neighbourhood Adaptation for a Changing Climate - identifying effective, practical and acceptable means of suburban re-design
26.01.2009 UK-Förderung (18.145,00 £): The Life and Work of John Brett
01.04.2009 UK-Förderung (26.518 £): Predictive modelling of the rice (oryza sativa) metabolic network
01.04.2009 UK-Förderung (400.779 £): Mini E Research Project United Kingdom
01.02.2009 UK-Förderung (52.140 £): Welfare state practices and the constitution of the citizen: Nordic models of capitalism in an age of globalisation
01.09.2009 UK-Förderung (73.265 £): Anti-Terrorism, Citizenship and Security in the UK
05.01.2009 UK-Förderung (79.602 £): Reading attainment and reading strategies in deaf adolescents with a cochlear implant
01.10.2009 UK-Förderung (79.981 £): Low Cost Durable Thermoplastic Hydrogen Storage Tanks (DuraStor)
05.01.2009 UK-Förderung (80.200 £): Visual representations in object substitution masking
01.10.2009 UK-Förderung (82.654 £): The effect of labels on category formation in infancy
01.09.2009 UK-Förderung (87.505 £): MSc Environmental Management and Technology. Masters Training Grant (MTG) to provide funding for 3 full studentships for 2 years.

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