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EU-Förderung (3.995.823 €): Hybrid Batterieenergie-StoRage-System für fortgeschrittene Grid- und beHInd-de-Meter-Segmente Hor09.12.2020 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Hybrid Batterieenergie-StoRage-System für fortgeschrittene Grid- und beHInd-de-Meter-Segmente

HYBRIS' basis is the optimisation of advanced hybrid systems as high-performant, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solutions in microgrid applications. HYBRIS is an integrated industrially driven action, that will answer to this challenge in 4 key points: - Viability and cost effectiveness: of the use and integration of novel HEES system coupled with innovative microgrid system local RREE generation and loads, (in particular residential, tertiary buildings and EV charges stations). Achieved by the integration and validation of a suite of technologies, tools and methods enabling their easy application and massive deployment. - Technical: pursuing the technical optimization of the HEES system in 3 use case applications covering respectively 1) Energy services in island grids 2) Energy services in private grids 3) EV charging stations in e-mobility, - Optimization and integraton. - Validation: by using the 3 demonstration sites as open case studies representing the 3 differrent use case applications and situations found throughout Europe, to leverage knowledge, key exploitable results, adapted business models and market-oriented dissemination for maximizing impact and wide adoption of these novel heating and cooling technologies and approach. HYBRIS features a fully systematic, collaborative and integrated approach to the development and deployment of innovative battery based hybrid storage sytemm, coupling diverse and complementary breakthrough TRL 5-6 technology assets brought by leading industrials, universities and RTOs, plus ICT tools for viable and cost-effective optimization and further market introduction. All will reach TRL6 by the demonstration and validation of its concepts in 3 use cases applications in 3 pilot sites in 3 four countries

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
AUG.E 420.041 €
Comet Global Innovation SL 256.547 €
Commissariat a L Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives 382.626 €
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 302.402 €
??? ???? ?????? ??????? ???? 51.875 €
???????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ????????? 312.936 €
Hybrid Energy Storage Solutions SL 367.680 €
IDP Ingenieria y Arquitectura Iberia SL 292.128 €
Kemiwatt 321.567 €
Lomartov SL 209.976 €
Powerup 221.934 €
Quares Consulting & Product Development N.V. 184.978 €
?????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ? ??????? ??????? 94.921 €
?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ????????????, ???????????, ???????? ? ?????? ???? ??? 232.587 €
??????? ???????????? ????? ?????????????????? ?????? 343.624 €


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