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EU-Förderung (14,7 Mio. €): Messung von Envelope-Produkten und -Systemen, die zur nächsten Generation gesunder nahezu Zero Energy Buildings beitragen Hor09.12.2020 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Messung von Envelope-Produkten und -Systemen, die zur nächsten Generation gesunder nahezu Zero Energy Buildings beitragen

MEZeroE is an EU distributed open innovation ecosystem for: (i) developing nZEB Enabler Envelope technology solutions ; (ii) transferring knowledge; (iii) matching testing needs with existing facilities; (iv) providing monitoring in living labs and; (v) standardizing cutting-edge solutions coming from SMEs and larger industries, to foster inclusive change in the building sector, being accessible via a single-entry point to all users. MEZeroE allows the development of ground-based solutions focused on carbon neutrality and healthy indoor environment, validated with advanced assessment methods and services, recognized protocols and long-term vision to embrace industry 4.0 trends, rapid decision making and customer-centric requirements. MEZeroE accompanies enterprises in adopting the open innovation approach comprising discovery (phase 1), empowering (phase 2), and exploiting (phase 3). MEZeroE will be accessed via a single-entry point web-based multi-side virtual marketplace, including 9 Pilot Measurement & Verification Lines (PM&VL) and 3 Open Innovation Services (OIS) covering training, business model development, systematic IP and knowledge management. MEzeroE will fast-track prototypes to the market as fully characterized products. MEZeroE virtual marketplace provides structured knowledge to different stakeholders with a pragmatic and well-grounded mid to long-term ambition of developing and consolidating a trusted expertise network, to be active and self-sustaining well beyond the project timeline. Based on synergies among partners, existing channels and a dedicated marketing strategy MEZeroE will exploit 3 revenue lines to ensure a 4x leverage factor vs. EU contribution. These revenue streams include: (I) memberships (benefit of web-based platform manager); (ii) consultancy for innovation and IPR protection (benefit of OIS developers) and (iii) incremental revenues of industrial partners (benefit of users) thanks to product transferred to market.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
????????? ??????? ?? ??????? 2.174.125 €
????????????????? ?????????? ??????????? 636.749 €
Arbnco Ltd. 278.299 €
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 958.488 €
??? ??? 0,00 €
Flexandrobust Systems sp. z o.o. 309.666 €
Flexbrick SL 645.720 €
Focchi S.p.A. 432.950 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 974.166 €
GREENTEG AG 502.425 €
HELIATEK GmbH 421.181 €
Incurvo SL 327.975 €
Indresmat SL 414.108 €
???????? ?? ?????????? ?? ?? ???????????? ?? ????????? 343.625 €
????? ?????? 240.625 €
Pellini S.p.A. 408.601 €
Politechnika Krakowska 817.375 €
Politecnico DI Milano 713.050 €
R2M Solution 0,00 €
R2M Solution Spain SL 0,00 €
R2M Solution Srl 566.738 €
Riko Hise Proizvodnja IN Trzenje d.o.o. 264.863 €
Rotho Blaas Srl 326.550 €
Tecnologia Navarra de Nanoproductos SL 328.738 €
Universitaet Innsbruck 730.733 €
????? ?? 78.750 €
Windowmaster International A/S 65.625 €
Zavod ZA Gradbenistvo Slovenije 654.000 €


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