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42 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 0,00 £): Ethics and the War on Terror: Politics, Multiculturalism and Media … BdlJahr 2006 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


University OF Leicester, Leicestershire, Großbritannien

23.01.2006 UK-Förderung (10.510,00 £): A synthetic account of medieval and post-medieval destruction events at the Neolithics site of Avebury.
01.02.2006 UK-Förderung (118.516 £): Coalgebras, Modal Logic, Stone Duality
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (119.290 £): Acetate assisted C-H activation: A computational and experimental study
01.07.2006 UK-Förderung (12.313,00 £): UK Museums and the Semantic Web
01.11.2006 UK-Förderung (126.342 £): Continuum Absorption at Visible and Infrared Wavelengths and its Atmospheric Relevance (CAVIAR)
04.01.2006 UK-Förderung (129.792 £): Colposuspension or TVT with anterior repair for urinary incontinence and prolapse: a pilot study
01.06.2006 UK-Förderung (130.160 £): Neural coding of visual inputs in the human medial temporal lobe
01.11.2006 UK-Förderung (134.052 £): Host acute stress responses and the regulation of C. jejuni virulence in the avian gut
01.07.2006 UK-Förderung (140.337 £): Acetone and Peroxyacetyl Nitrate in the Upper Troposphere: MIPAS Satellite Retrievals and 3D Model Studies
26.11.2006 UK-Förderung (15.318,00 £): Ethics and the War on Terror: Politics, Multiculturalism and Media
01.01.2006 UK-Förderung (15.326,00 £): MMF/WFRI Finance Seminars
01.05.2006 UK-Förderung (170.744 £): Cluster algebras and applications
01.11.2006 UK-Förderung (189.723 £): Cooperativity of SH3 domains in Cin85: a NMR and thermodynamics study
01.09.2006 UK-Förderung (210.333 £): Defining the cellular mechanisms of C-peptide in the kidney: Understanding renoprotective effects in diabetic nephropath
13.01.2006 UK-Förderung (216.744 £): Telomere maintenance pathways and their role in genome stability.
01.09.2006 UK-Förderung (22.051 £): Surface magnetic and structural properties studied with metastable de-excitation spectroscopy.
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (24.628 £): Food Consumption in Roman Britain: Diversity and Change
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (256.976 £): An experimental investigation into the feasibility of MIMO techniques within the HF band
01.06.2006 UK-Förderung (260.814 £): Behavioural Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Phase Change in Locusts
21.08.2006 UK-Förderung (283.968 £): Genetic suppressors of Arabidopsis chloroplast protein import mutations
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (29.480 £): Valuing the Historic Environment: Concepts, Instrumentalisations and Effects
01.06.2006 UK-Förderung (29.638 £): Detecting Structural Changes in Financial Market Volatility Dynamics - The Impact of Financial Liberalisation
09.01.2006 UK-Förderung (314.706 £): The role of the tissue plasminogen activator/plasmin system in neuronal plasticity and anxiety-like behaviour
01.09.2006 UK-Förderung (368.321 £): New analogues of amphotericin B generated by gene disruption
23.01.2006 UK-Förderung (369.442 £): Plasticity in aimed limb movements
01.04.2006 UK-Förderung (395.531 £): 2nd Resubmission Support for CUTLASS operations 2006 - 2009
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (400.103 £): Chewing the fat - Long chain fatty acid uptake and assimilation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
01.09.2006 UK-Förderung (404.411 £): Molecular genetics of biological rhythms in an intertidal crustacean
01.07.2006 UK-Förderung (419.633 £): A new frontier in nanochemistry: formation of novel core-shell nanoparticles using liquid helium droplets
01.07.2006 UK-Förderung (42.234 £): Radicals and large molecular weight organics / the missing links in secondary organic aerosol formation?
01.10.2006 UK-Förderung (430.133 £): DTA - University of Leicester
01.06.2006 UK-Förderung (434.577 £): PLATFORM: CONTROL OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS
01.06.2006 UK-Förderung (457.564 £): A Moulded Starch Packaging System For Use In High Impact Applications
01.01.2006 UK-Förderung (485.756 £): Recycling of electric arc furnace dust using ionic liquids
01.05.2006 UK-Förderung (51.535 £): Adventurous Research in Chemistry / Synthesis and Characterisation of Novel Nanomaterials
01.03.2006 UK-Förderung (543.676 £): Sensors in Extreme Environments
01.09.2006 UK-Förderung (58.135 £): Workforce Remodelling, Teacher Trade Unionism and School-based Industrial Relations
01.01.2006 UK-Förderung (6.033,00 £): Materialising Exile: Material Culture and the Embodied Experience of Karenni Refugee-ness
07.03.2006 UK-Förderung (65.594 £): Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer
23.01.2006 UK-Förderung (65.875 £): SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF THE GLOBAL OCEANS
01.01.2006 UK-Förderung (661.003 £): ASTRAEA (E4)
01.03.2006 UK-Förderung (71.500 £): New Bio-Inorganic Mass Spectrometry Facility for the Centre for Chemical Biology

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