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UK-Förderung (1.643.554 £): DTP 2020-2021 Universität Loughborough Ukri01.10.2020 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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DTP 2020-2021 Universität Loughborough

Zusammenfassung Loughborough University's EPSRC DTP represents a major £1.6M investment in postgraduate research (PGR) training. It is a significant component of our research strategy for engineering and the physical sciences, supporting interdisciplinary research via our Research Strategy 'CALIBRE' including Research Beacons, Global Research Challenges and Adventurous research areas, which complement our underpinning, discipline-based research strengths. It provides a platform for building successful industry partnerships and enhancing inter-institutional collaborations through major research infrastructure investments, such as the Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) and UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC). Our research aligns well with areas of growth for EPSRC including: Artificial Intelligence technologies, Chemical biology, Energy storage, Materials for energy applications, Statistics and applied probability and Robotics. Our academic Schools primarily undertaking excellent research that will benefit from the DTP funding are: Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering and the School of Science, which include groups in Intelligent Automation, Sustainable Manufacturing, and Digital Technologies. Whilst studentships are based in academic Schools, they may also map to one or more Research Beacons which include Built Environment, High Value Manufacturing, Transport Technologies, or onto a cross-cutting interdisciplinary area focusing on meeting the Global Challenges of Energy, Health and Wellbeing, Secure and Resilience Societies, Changing Environments and Infrastructure. Fundamental and theoretical sciences, including studentships for mathematical sciences will be supported through a ring-fenced allocation. Each 42-month DTP-supported studentship will receive an enhanced, flagship cohort-based research training experience akin to that found within our Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), although with a bespoke semi-structured developmental pathway, a research training support grant that allows students to map out their own development and an integrated impact, outreach and public engagement component. Enhanced training in research and innovation skills supports the objectives of the Industrial strategy, and through engagement with business, additional funding will be leveraged contributing to the 2.4% GDP R&D investment target. Additional DTP-supported initiatives include one 24-month Doctoral Prize Fellowship (DPF), to support a talented post-doctoral researcher to establish their research career. Alongside University funded Doctoral Prize Fellows they will receive a cohort experience and a bespoke training programme. CASE Conversion awards will be allocated following an internal selection process, where there is the prospect of further enhancing collaboration between academic and partner organisations. We will also fund 16 vacation internships for undergraduate student placements, which helps to provide the brightest students the opportunity to contribute to and experience research. DTP funds will be allocated in late 2019, with PGR programmes starting in October 2020 and October 2021. Studentships open to non-EU candidates will be available to attract the best international doctoral candidates. Details for staff on accessing DTP studentships, the recruitment process and training programme will be made available on the Doctoral College website, alongside profiles of current DTP students DTP-funded studentships will be publicised on the Studentship vacancies web page, and Further information: Dr Kathryn North, Head of Researcher Development (
Kategorie Training Grant
Referenz EP/T518098/1
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.10.2020
Laufzeit bis 30.09.2025
Fördersumme 1.643.554,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Loughborough University

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Loughborough University, Loughborough, Großbritannien.

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