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UK-Förderung (248.797 £): Moto - Supply-Chain-Talente beschleunigen die Revolution (Moto-STAR) Ukri01.01.2021 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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Moto - Supply-Chain-Talente beschleunigen die Revolution (Moto-STAR)

Zusammenfassung [Back to application overview][0]\r\n\r\n**Moto - Supply-chain Talent Accelerating Revolution (Moto-STAR)**\r\n\r\nThis project brings together a strong partnership comprising:\r\n\r\n• UK-based motorcycle manufacturer Royal Enfield\r\n\r\n• Tier-1 PEMD-based automotive system supplier ZF Automotive UK Limited\r\n\r\n• World-leading supplier of simulation software for mechanical and electromechanical drivetrain analysis Romax\r\n\r\n• The Electrical Machines and Drives group at the University of Sheffield\r\n\r\nAs part of the automotive electrification challenge and industrial strategy, the potential advantages of electric two-wheeled vehicles -- e-motorcycles and e-scooters -- are well documented: reduced noise, reduced emissions, reduced?weight,?versatility for congested city-centre transportation, etc.\r\n\r\nThe UK e-motorbike supply chain this project addresses is an emerging one: despite the existence of actual products and concepts, many aspects still remain to be addressed in the emerging supply chain for e-motorbikes: technical issues such as range, charging time, choice of components and?materials (e.g. battery type), system integration options, etc.; high initial product cost; lack of automotive electrification infrastructure; and so on. But these issues also present an opportunity: the opportunity, in addressing them, of simultaneously addressing the wider?issues to do with future sustainability -- in all its aspects.\r\n\r\nThrough this project, the partnership seeks to develop a demonstration e-motorbike concept, based around a vision of a future supply chain. Based on aligned design and manufacturing processes that fully embrace the wider issues which are at the heart of DER -- sustainability, improved quality of life, and the future circular economy, both in the UK and beyond: and doing this in a way that -- and doing this in a way that allows engineering students the opportunity to undertake their final year projects in parallel with the live development work ongoing within the partner companies -- which also begins to address the need for developing young, highly skilled PEMD specialists in the UK.\r\n\r\n[0]:
Kategorie Collaborative R&D
Referenz 77801
Status Active
Laufzeit von 01.01.2021
Laufzeit bis 30.09.2021
Fördersumme 248.797,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

ZF Automotive UK Limited

122.130,00 £

University of Sheffield

59.831,00 £

Romax Technology Ltd.

61.750,00 £

Royal Enfield UK Limited

5.086,00 £

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: ZF Automotive UK Ltd..

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