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EU-Förderung (4.996.058 €): MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure Hor01.04.2021 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure

The aim of the MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI) is to enable ambitious integrative multi-technological studies of biological systems at the crucial intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-scale observations. Its consortium of 2 companies and 13 academic centres of excellence from 11 countries gathers a wide complementary panel of cutting-edge instrumentation and expertise, leveraging barriers that currently hinder the optimal exploitation of molecular-scale biophysical approaches in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, biomaterials and beyond. MOSBRI provides European academic and industrial researchers with a one-stop shop Trans-National Access to the latest technological developments in advanced spectroscopies, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, real-time kinetics and single molecule approaches. It will play a major role in standardization and policy-making in the field by: i) carrying out Joint Research Activities to develop innovative methodologies; ii) designing robust quality control guidelines and FAIR-compatible archiving formats and databases; iii) engaging with instrumentation, pharma, biotech and CRO SMEs. Networking activities will multiply the impact of MOSBRI, by efficiently sharing and disseminating theoretical and practical knowledge through training events in Europe, contributing to: i) the emergence of a highly qualified new generation of scientists; ii) outreach to scientific communities currently unaware of the full potential of the integrated use of molecular-scale biophysics tools. MOSBRI is complementary to related infrastructures including INSTRUCT-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery, and will help creating a strong cross-fertilizing ecosystem with leveraging effects for European science. It represents a unique opportunity for Europe to remain at the forefront in this competitive field, thereby contributing significantly to the acceleration of discoveries beneficial for OneHealth.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Aarhus Universitet 516.206 €
???????????????? ????? ?? ?? ??? 419.072 €
Birkbeck College - University of London 464.393 €
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Cnrs 250.471 €
???????? ????????? ??????? ?????????? 257.076 €
?????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ?????????? 0,00 €
Institut Pasteur 862.353 €
???????? ???????? 231.693 €
?????????? ??????????? 394.469 €
Malvern Panalytical Ltd. 118.813 €
Malvern Panalytical Nordic AB 0,00 €
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 324.546 €
Software 4 Science Developments SL 111.110 €
Universidad de Zaragoza 285.581 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Genova 267.130 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Roma LA Sapienza 272.084 €
Universite Libre de Bruxelles 221.063 €
Universite d'AIX Marseille 0,00 €


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