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EU-Förderung (289.965 €): Reisen Hor01.05.2021 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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The VOYAGES project is the collective effort of 12 partners and the legacy of 15 years of participation in the ERN as a Consortium. Our ambition is to organize events in 14 different French cities (specifically focusing on medium-sized cities, where there are researchers, but science engagement activities are less frequent), sharing the same objectives, activities, approach to popularization, and involving local researchers. Our project is based on an engaging theme: “Voyages” that will help visitors dream and stimulate researchers. Convinced that the quality of the exchange with researchers is the key factor in enriching and refining the public's vision of research and science in society, we create warm and aesthetic encounters between the public and researchers. Our theme stimulates the creativity of the scenographers and mediators who design playful activities to be shared by researchers and the public (The Researchers’ suitcase, different Strolls, etc.). On national and international scales, we are designing three online formats that will allow thousands of people to discover field research all over the world, engage in face-to-face dialogue on Zoom and debate with researchers from other countries. To achieve this “in person” and “online” strategy, the 1,000 researchers involved in the project will be coached and trained by mediators, artists or scenographers. A long-lasting effect on researchers will be one outcome, as ERN is an occasion for them to start a long journey in science engagement. The French Ministry of Culture will financially support the event for the 4th year, fostering the participation of researchers in social sciences and humanities; the Ministry of Research will also continue its support. One partner is in charge of strategies for reducing the environmental impact of the events. The ERN will let us take a breath of fresh air and formulate questions about the resources and future of the planet. Flight 2021 to Research is now boarding!

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Association CAP Sciences-Centre de Culture Scientifique Technique et Industrielle Bordeaux-Aquitaine 13.750,00 €
Association Traces Theories et Reflexions sur L Apprendre la Communication et L Education Scientifiques 20.160 €
Brest'AIM SA 19.250,00 €
?????? ?? ??????? ???????????? ?? ????????? ???????? ????? ??? ???????? ??????????? 14.795,00 €
Communaute d' Universites et Etablissements Universite Bourgogne - Franche - Comte 121.450 €
Institut Mines-Telecom 13.200,00 €
Universite Cote d'Azur 12.000,00 €
Universite Dijon Bourgogne 0,00 €
Universite d'AIX Marseille 17.600,00 €
Universite de Franche-Comte 0,00 €
Universite de Limoges 13.860,00 €
Universite de Toulouse 17.600,00 €
?????????? ?? ?? ??????? 12.000,00 €
Universite du Mans 14.300,00 €


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